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Hmm.... strange?
Alan B - 29/8/02 at 12:40 PM

I'm sure there was a post about the new friendly "other list" here a moment ago?
Did I imagine it?

ChrisW - 29/8/02 at 12:43 PM

Must have imagined it Alan. Maybe the guy will get the hint this time!


JamesH - 29/8/02 at 01:19 PM

Well Chris (webmaster one),

I think that after you were allowed to post on the Locost email list advertising your site, its rather rude to imediately remove posts that go the other way.

I am not trying to reduce your membership, by dragging subscribers away, after all, I am registered on your site and use it.

I am only trying to say that the problems that afflicted the list some months ago seem to have subsided, and those people who unsibscribed are now more than welcome to resubscribe.

For your information, my name is James, not 'the guy', and I am the new moderator of the list.


James 'The Guy' Hughes

Alan B - 29/8/02 at 01:59 PM


I agree with James, I don't see why this forum and TOL can't co-exist in peace?
I'm also a TOL moderator, but also a wanabee prolific poster here too
I don't see how or why there is conflict?

Did I miss something?

ChrisW - 29/8/02 at 02:08 PM


I agreed that no more plugs would be put on TOL and therefore I expect the same here. Plus, I was not 'allowed' on TOL - my posts were censored and I was immediatly attacked and emailled by the moderators for merely suggesting alternative technology.

Everyone here knows about TOL as it's discussed on here quite regularly. As far as I can tell it's mainly the technology that people find so bad and no amount of changing moderators is going to solve that. Happy for both to co-exist but I feel cross advertising is a waste of space on both sites and will only serve to split the group up even more.


JamesH - 29/8/02 at 02:15 PM

Hi Chris,

Well, I think Alan and I would both agree that we wouldnt attack your posts now! In fact I didn't then either. I am more of a share and share alike type of guy - I would expect most people to use both sources of information. I am just trying to informthose people who have unsubscribed (and turned to the Dark Side - insert evil Darth Vader cackle here) that things have improved!

Anyway, hopefully I have done that now!!


Alan B - 29/8/02 at 02:17 PM

Group hug?

Simon - 29/8/02 at 02:25 PM

Or should that be

"Groups Hug"



David Jenkins - 29/8/02 at 02:36 PM


I don't know if you've realised, but you've been getting a lot of free publicity on all the Locost-related Yahoo sites, from all sorts of people. No-one has complained.

You're in danger of looking as petty as the TOL moderators of times past, if you're not careful... which I don't want to happen (he says quickly!)

David "both sites" J.

ChrisW - 29/8/02 at 06:25 PM

I don't think I'm petty at all when it comes to moderating this site. This is the first time I have removed a post for months (in fact, since the whole Bass=16kw thing). If TOL gets mentioned on here it's not a problem. I'm sure everyone on here knows about it already. I have agreed with previous TOL moderators that no adverts will be placed on either list which is what I am/will be keeping to.

The code to allow email subscriptions to this site will be sorted in the next few days which will essentially remove the last arguement between swapping from eGroups to here and hopefully (finally) bring everyone together in one place which can only be seen as a good thing.

Go ahead and talk about TOL if you like but please make it look a little like a post rather than a blantant advert!

Cheers, Chris

UncleFista - 29/8/02 at 06:51 PM

Oh dear

I can't see why both TOL and this site can't co-exist, they are both valuable resources.

After all the blatent plugs you've posted (Chris W) on TOL, you've censored a post from the new moderator who only wanted to say that TOL has picked up and is much less strictly moderated.

You also censored/deleted my reply.

I know this site isn't a democracy or nowt, but my vote would be live and let live.

My two-pennorth...

bob - 29/8/02 at 07:04 PM

I know this site isn't a democracy or nowt, but my vote would be live and let live.

Yep your right tony,lets just all get on with the cars.

chrisg - 29/8/02 at 07:06 PM


"I am only trying to say that the problems that afflicted the list some months ago seem to have subsided, and those people who unsibscribed are now more than welcome to resubscribe."

I wonder if this applies to the people who had the unsubscribing done for them?????



ChrisW - 29/8/02 at 07:07 PM

I can't see why both TOL and this site can't co-exist

Of course we can co-exist and at the end of the day the people will decide what they like and don't like about each system. I have always believed, however, that finding a way to please everyone is the best way forward and since I don't see eGroups (the company not the group) changing their ways I'm trying to get this site as close as I can to the eGroups way of thinking whilst still retaining all the things I believe people like about this system.

If you'd rather there was two groups then fine, your decision. But rest assured, I'll be doing my best to get all the Locost building community together in one place.
