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IVA paper work
cridgey - 14/11/10 at 06:01 PM

Hi on the IVA paper work it requires BHP and weight, can i take BHP from Haynes cavalier manual,and have a guess at the weight?

adithorp - 14/11/10 at 06:32 PM

What are the actual questions on the form?

Used to want max power revs. In other words the REVS at which the engine makes max power... not the max power itself. They use that to calculate the revs at which to do the noise test.

Is the weight they want the "Max design weights"? They actually weigh the car at the test, and a fixed amount for driver,passenger and luggage and the total must be less than the declared "Max design weight". Thats all it's used for. Most put axle1 500, axle2 500, total 1000 or 450/450/900.

cridgey - 14/11/10 at 06:38 PM

Cheers for that but will i need to take it on the rolling road or can i take it out of the haynes manual?

adithorp - 14/11/10 at 06:51 PM

If you look in the haynes manual for the engine you have it'll list max power and the revs that is achieved at (ie 150bhp@6200rpm). Put down that revs (so 6200 in this example). Take the book with you to IVA. The noise test will be done at 3/4 of that figure.
Obviously the lower the number the better for the noise test, but the testers have seen it all before, so will question any numbers they think are lower than they should be. Don't be tempted to put a lower value.

cridgey - 14/11/10 at 07:06 PM

Thanks for that as the BHP and the rpm is a lot lower in the manual then it previous owner had told me.