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Website update
flak monkey - 21/11/10 at 01:31 PM

Due to my old website software being incompatable and unsupported by virtually every modern system I had to bite the bullet and get up to date...

I have just finished updating the site, take a look and see what you think...

I may change the menu bar a little as its quite small on my monitor.

Moving on to the Custom Workshop one next....

imp paul - 21/11/10 at 01:46 PM

looks good Dave but as you said buttons at the top are very small

phelpsa - 21/11/10 at 02:30 PM

You cant actually read the buttons on my laptop but other than that it looks excellent!

RK - 22/11/10 at 01:38 AM

You forgot to say: "You don't have to be completely bonkers to build a sevenesque car when you can just go buy one for cheaper, and being an engineer/trained mechanic is a HUGE benefit, but it will help if you are".

Your site has been invaluable and inspiring to me personally, as many others will also say, I am sure. Make the writing a bit bigger on the new one!!

flak monkey - 22/11/10 at 06:55 AM

Sorted the buttons out now, well hopefully. Looks better on my screen anyway.

Thanks RK

melly-g - 22/11/10 at 08:03 AM

David I can't see any pictures of your car, only the Mini!

flak monkey - 22/11/10 at 08:20 AM

Oh dear, seem to have screwed the galleries up on the last update.... oops

Will sort that tonight

[Edited on 22/11/10 by flak monkey]