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clock battery???
chrisxr2 - 11/1/11 at 11:29 AM

Took the battery out of the roadter yesterday, all charged up and good to go, however really not the weather today to be down the garage and i am away from this evening till friday. Wuill the mileage etc on my clocks be saved for this long on the clocks battery for this long?? I am sure it will but just checking. (Lcd readout mileage on dials)

blakep82 - 11/1/11 at 11:42 AM

it won't reset even if disconnected for a year, as its illegal to reset them, so it won't be as easy as disconnecting the battery for a few days

chrisxr2 - 11/1/11 at 02:41 PM

magic thats what i was hoping, thanks