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search function
peter bland - 21/3/11 at 05:07 PM

why is it not working ?

blakep82 - 21/3/11 at 05:12 PM

er, because it actually is? but maybe you're not using it right? what are you seaching for? and what comes up?

speedyxjs - 21/3/11 at 05:16 PM

Try using the search link at the top of the page

blakep82 - 21/3/11 at 05:19 PM

and change the options under the search box from 'match any word' to match all words, or exact

eg, if you leave that option as is, and search for "IVA a car", it will find you any topics with the word IVA, and topic with the word 'a' (100% of them) or any topic containing the word car. if you change it match exact phrase, it will find any topic with "IVA a car" in it

mookaloid - 21/3/11 at 05:50 PM

working for me

peter bland - 21/3/11 at 06:12 PM

not using the match option correctly ,cheers

02GF74 - 24/3/11 at 01:38 PM

.... whatever you do, do not search for "how to use search" as infinite recursion will occur melting the CPUs and bringing down the forum.