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Build your own sportscar for £150
Rod Ends - 2/7/11 at 02:09 PM

Mr Cholmondley-Warner tells you how:

theconrodkid - 2/7/11 at 05:09 PM

balidey - 2/7/11 at 05:19 PM

Love the comments about 'even letting the wife drive it... if she smashes it up just get her to build you a new one'

wylliezx9r - 2/7/11 at 05:50 PM

Looks the business, deffo wouldn't let the wife drive it, 1 piece body after a prang equals much pain lol.

minitici - 2/7/11 at 06:20 PM

Yes you could perhaps buy a chassis for 50 bob
A chassis for 50 Bob!
A chassis for 50 Bob!

Like mine...

Ninehigh - 2/7/11 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Rod Ends
Mr Cholmondley-Warner tells you how:

Wasn't he on the Fast Show?

David Jenkins - 2/7/11 at 08:24 PM

I'm sure that there are many Austin 7 enthusiasts who would weep to see that donor stripped down!

I wish I had a garage like theirs... all that space, and not a tool to be seen (apart from those 2 blokes, that is... )

Confused but excited. - 2/7/11 at 10:26 PM

An old boy turned up at the local market in one yesterday morning.
He said he'd bought it 4 months ago.
A young smart arse asked him: "Why has it got a letter box?" (It had vertical brass vents in front of the doors).
Quick as a flash he replied; "So that they can still deliver my mail when I'm out."

Strontium Dog - 2/7/11 at 11:51 PM

Did any one else notice the Tardis in the last few frames? Gets every where that Dr. Who does!

RK - 3/7/11 at 12:11 AM

Liars. Everyone knows it costs 250 to build a decent one.

Ninehigh - 3/7/11 at 12:27 AM

Originally posted by RK
Liars. Everyone knows it costs 250 to build a decent one.

Yeah but half of that is tools and parts... By the look of that video what you do is buy the donor for £10, then rip all the bits off it, and drop a shell on (how does this take 3 months?)

Rod Ends - 3/7/11 at 01:53 PM

According to this site, £11 in 1958 is equivalent to £190 in 2010 and £150 is £2600.

p.s. Anyone near Epping recognise the pub at the end?

The Robin Hood - Loughton (Dr Who has gone)

[Edited on 3/7/11 by Rod Ends]

02GF74 - 4/7/11 at 07:11 AM

amazing stuff - notice how empty the raods are!