Greetings all, I just thought you might like to know of a site that has just been updated. It's a brilliant site full of usful info, want to know how
to use a dog bowl in your locost ? then this is the place for you, an inspiration to thousands (Dave) plug over. Seriously though I have just posted
the February update along with some nice pictures, you're all welcome to visit.
Nice one Roland!
top bloke and indeed an inspiration to 1000's
theres me century
100 posts and still not banned
i thank you all for your patience
this couldn't have been possible without your help
god bless you mum and good old apple pie
egroup I couldn't have done this without your help
this trophy means more to me than well......some other less significant stuff
another "member" in every sese of the word
sense, that is
your just jealous of my newly gained rank, long have you yearned for a member and yet you still fail to grasp it.
Kneel in my presense and call me lordy
Bob, they just don't understand do they!!!!!
Well that makes two tosspot members then,i'm proud of my ton up and i'm filling up now typing about it.
Still wating for my telegram from HRH.