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Which app for track day data logging?
bi22le - 12/10/11 at 05:24 PM

Hi all
I did have a reasonable app for my iphone but i have now got an android phone. my old app is not available for my galaxy SII so wondered what others are using.

i would like it do the following:
Record video and sound to good quality
Overlay video with speed, G' direction, force and acc decel points
plot track data over google maps or other free track software.
log lap times per session and hopefully flag fastest lap and sector times.
export data in a usable free format
have a sensible user interface with incar info and large on screen data

TBH all what i would epect a good fast phone with top notch data, GPS, HD video and app.

i am happy to pay for it but want to know that my money is well spent. most downloads are non refunable.



doddy - 12/10/11 at 05:33 PM

sorry dont know for your phone but what one did you use on the iphone

Hellfire - 12/10/11 at 05:35 PM

This App is awesome - not sure if its for your version of phone though.



bigfoot4616 - 12/10/11 at 06:00 PM

i've got trackmaster for my android phone. cost about £5. think it does most if not all that you want although i've only used it for one session at cadwell before i broke my gearbox so haven't really done much with it other than look at lap times/splits.
don't think it does video. i think you would be better of with a separate video system anyway and then overlay the data after.
i also got a bluetooth GPS reciever as my phone only has 1Hz GPS. also means i can tuck the phone away safely under the dash.

MakeEverything - 12/10/11 at 06:05 PM

track Cam is very good. records video as well.

bi22le - 12/10/11 at 06:18 PM

Cheers for the replies. i was using harrys lap timer before.

i do have a seperate camera but its actually not as good as my phone! Plus the size of video file after is unmanagable.

Any others?

My mate has just recommended track a roo. any experiences with this?

owelly - 12/10/11 at 06:20 PM

I had Racechrono on my Symbian phone which was good (and free) and now I have RaceAce for my Android. It seems very basic and doesn't do video but it is free!
I'll be watching this thread because I'm also wanting summats to do everthing!

edspurrier - 12/10/11 at 06:46 PM

Trackmaster can output a lofg file for Racechrono2AVI, which gives you a video of a speedo and map etc to overlay on your camera video.

owelly - 12/10/11 at 08:17 PM

I've just downloaded Trackmaster from Trackaroo. I'll report back when I've had a play with it!

bi22le - 12/10/11 at 09:57 PM

I have been having a good read about trackmaster and it seems powerful enough to do what i need.

i think for data production and analysis it seems impressive. To get a video with overlay you need to take the video then use racechrono2avi to edit the two together.

Problem i have is my video files per session are massive and hard to process so i would like an app to do it for me. i also have resivations with syncronising the video, sound and data well enough to be of use.

I love the lap time data that id displayed live with trackmaster. could be very usefull during the sessions

gingerprince - 13/10/11 at 06:46 AM

Whatever you record with, Digidash ( is very good for overlaying the data onto your video.

Proby - 13/10/11 at 09:15 AM

I know it's a little off topic, but out of interest, how do you like the Galaxy SII compared to the iPhone? I'm looking at a change and see it as one of the only non-apple options!

bi22le - 13/10/11 at 10:49 AM

I have just typed a massive iphone galaxy review but I forgot to sign in so lost the lot

I cant be bothered to type it all again but basically I think it knocks the socks off of any other phone. I tried all the other worth while phones and am not disappointed at all. It always wins in pub banter chat tests!!!