Some of you may know that I've just moved house. Well, when packing, I found another 6 t-shirts that I didn't know I had.
So, this could well be your last, last chance to obtain one of these highly sought after items of clothing!
I have:
2x Red/White medium (dunk3 PAID, ChrisLeary PAID)
2x Black/White medium (RK, Alan M +AndyW if RK decides post is too expensive)
2x Black/White XL (jossey, agriv8 PAID)
1x Black/White XXL (Owelly PAID)
All are £8.95 plus £1 postage on whole order (ie for multiple shirts you only need to add £1 per order, not per shirt)
Please post your 'dibs' in this thread and I'll update above as we go along. Once you see your name on the list above please Paypal to Make sure you specify what you're paying for, your username, and YOUR ADDRESS on the payment, please. Yes, I know
that sounds obvious, but people forget and it makes my life complicated when I have to refer U2U's back to Paypal.
Cheers, Chris
[Edited on 18/10/2011 by ChrisW]
[Edited on 24/10/2011 by ChrisW]
[Edited on 26/10/2011 by ChrisW]
Dibs on the xxl please.
dibs on xl
black white med. to canada. postage?
dibs on an xl please
ta Agriv8
I still want a kids one pink and age 6-7 years for my lil girl
dibs on 1x Black/White medium please
Dibs on XL if you have any left please Chris.
Just worked it out and you have ..... Brill
[Edited on 17/10/11 by rallyingden]
Dibs on medium please. red / white
[Edited on 17/10/11 by dunk3]
I'll have the other red/white medium please.
dibs on black/white med please
First post updated. Those that have dibs, please pay via Paypal.
RK - I've asked for a price to get one to Canada. Will post when I have an answer.
Hi Chris , tried sending you the money through paypal with the email you provided and it keeps asking for a valid email address.
Sorted it now Chris , payment sent .
Cheers Dunk
[Edited on 18/10/11 by dunk3]
Originally posted by rallyingden
Dibs on XL if you have any left please Chris.
Just worked it out and you have ..... Brill
[Edited on 17/10/11 by rallyingden]
Payment sent thismorning.
Originally posted by rallyingden
Originally posted by rallyingden
Dibs on XL if you have any left please Chris.
Just worked it out and you have ..... Brill
[Edited on 17/10/11 by rallyingden]
AH but I'd forgotten about back door posts
I've had 3 payments in out of 7.
RK - I'll let you off for the moment as I've not got back to you with a price. Just chased the mailing people for an answer
Can the other 3 please pay up ASAP, please, as I really want to send these out all in one batch rather than in dribs and drabs!
Cheers, Chris
Sorry Chris. I was watching for my name to appear on the list for ages but then forgot all about it! I'l do it tonight when I'm on my home PC.
Got your payment Owelly. Just waiting on Jossey and Alan M now.
Also, just heard back from the mailing place. £4.50 to post a shirt to Canada.
Cheers, Chris
Any news on the T-shirts yet Chris?
Payment sent and u2u!!