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was it anyone on here???
StrikerChris - 22/10/11 at 04:37 PM

Who dumped their oil at the anglesea trackday yesterday?was a black 7 of some variety!

Confused but excited. - 22/10/11 at 06:41 PM

Bloody tourists!

Xtreme Kermit - 22/10/11 at 07:16 PM

I'll start.

Wasn't me...

40inches - 22/10/11 at 07:24 PM

Not me either

bi22le - 22/10/11 at 08:45 PM

I bet that wasted track time while the marshals mopped it up.

hang him!!!

Ninehigh - 23/10/11 at 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Xtreme Kermit
I'll start.

Wasn't me...

Denied it, supplied it

ch1ef - 24/10/11 at 07:07 PM

wasn't me either, I was there in the tin top though! was a good turnout of 7's though!