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RK - 9/11/11 at 10:49 PM

Why is insurance not a problem for you in the UK, when in my province in Canada, nobody will touch a kit car built by a regular person, and not a factory? I've just wasted 4 years of my life.

Dusty - 10/11/11 at 12:00 AM

I feel for you. Us Brits have a long history of building backyard cars, many classics still lovingly maintained and on the road and a thriving current kitcar scene. This has led to the specialist classic insurers with their limited mileage policies diversifying into the kitcar market. They realise that if you built it you will drive it more carefully than if you bought it from the local dealer. Not only is insurance easy to get with several companies offering policies it's also way cheaper to insure a kitcar than a golf or focus. Not so in europe where it can be very hard to get a kitcar on the road let alone insure it.

RK - 10/11/11 at 01:49 AM

Someone in my area is going to get a very good deal on a track car next spring. Time to get another hobby!!

Ninehigh - 10/11/11 at 03:54 AM

What are you talking about it has been built in a factory! RK Bodyworx... Shame they only did one before going bust, but hey this economical climate and all that...

adithorp - 10/11/11 at 08:30 AM

Seems like you're not having a lot of fun with it at the moment.

If the insurance won't touch a home built, how do the custom guys go on.

designer - 10/11/11 at 09:11 AM

Can't you register in the States, like Europeans register in UK?

jossey - 10/11/11 at 09:22 AM

if you could register shed built cars no one would be driving TVR's lol

RK - 10/11/11 at 09:42 PM

Apparently, it ain't over yet. I found some nice Americans who will insure it. A depressed economy in the State of Michigan has some of them actually looking for business. Quite a change from here in Canada.