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Who's Stateside.
scutter - 6/12/11 at 04:55 PM

I've a few days to waste in Charleston SC, are any of our builders out here?

ATB Dan.

RK - 6/12/11 at 05:42 PM

there may be a few guys there. Remember, there aren't a lot of builders in North America. It isn't really part of the culture, and distances are bigger than you are probably used to.

Alan B - 6/12/11 at 06:02 PM about 10 hrs south of Charleston.

Originally from Preston, now in Ft Lauderdale during the week, Vero Beach/Melbourne/Cocoa area at the weekends.

Mark Allanson - 6/12/11 at 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Alan B about 10 hrs south of Charleston.

Originally from Preston, now in Ft Lauderdale during the week, Vero Beach/Melbourne/Cocoa area at the weekends.

I'm only 6hrs east of New York!

Alan B - 6/12/11 at 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
Originally posted by Alan B about 10 hrs south of Charleston.

Originally from Preston, now in Ft Lauderdale during the week, Vero Beach/Melbourne/Cocoa area at the weekends.

I'm only 6hrs east of New York!

By car?.......

Good point though

Mark Allanson - 6/12/11 at 11:00 PM

You ain't seen my car!

scutter - 8/12/11 at 10:01 PM

Thanks Alan, but work found out I was free until my flight and kindly put me on a examiners course

ATB Dan.