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Very strange when posts "disappear" all on there own
steve m - 27/1/12 at 10:12 PM

Especially when there is slander in there reply

bob - 27/1/12 at 10:23 PM

Oh no slander on here never..... has someone said your vertically challenged

steve m - 27/1/12 at 10:26 PM

I am not Bob, its just, most peeps are taller than me !!


austin man - 27/1/12 at 10:35 PM

Thought your seat looked close to the dash lol

ChrisW - 27/1/12 at 11:55 PM

Just so everyone is aware, posts very rarely disappear by either Fozzie or my doing. Individual people can delete their posts for up to 7 days after they're made.

After 7 days (I think!) posts are locked against future deletion to avoid the 'toys out of pram' syndrome.

Cheers, Chris

Ninehigh - 28/1/12 at 02:41 AM

It does get a little worrying when you get the email "Suchatopic has new replies!"

Then you click the link and get "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this topic"

Problem is it makes me want to see it more to see where and how the banhammer was swung

ChrisW - 28/1/12 at 10:06 AM

No ban hammer was swung in this case.


ChrisW - 28/1/12 at 10:07 AM fact, I didn't even see the post myself!


Jon Ison - 28/1/12 at 10:22 AM

I'm sure Chris W didnt remove the thread though it may have been wise to considering one of the comments left, I frequent my football teams forum and I know they and of others whom have had legal action taken against them due to posts left by contributors, if you recall I did suggest early in the thread (I guess where talking ebay and a car for sale) that the OP delete the thread I guess he took my advice, we will never know ?

Now time to go O/T

Chris, your obvoiusly keeping tabs on this thread, when was the 10th anniversary of the forum, my 10th anniversary of membership is fast approaching which ironically is my birthday to ?

Did you do anything to commemorate it, if so I missed it but have been out the UK for the back end of last year and into this ?

eta obvoiusly October 2001 looking at your registration date

[Edited on 28/1/12 by Jon Ison]

r1_pete - 28/1/12 at 10:25 AM

People were first registered 15 Oct 2001 Jon...

[Edited on 28/1/12 by r1_pete]

Benzine - 28/1/12 at 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
when was the 10th anniversary of the forum

LCB 10 years old

Fozzie - 1/2/12 at 12:13 AM

No it wasn't deleted by me either...whatever it was!
I have had quite a few weeks 'leave' from the forum ....
but back now!

As ChrisW said ^^^, the OP can delete their 'thread' for a few days.
It would be good if, when that is done, that the OP would post that he/she had deleted it for
whatever reason!

It would save both Chris and I getting the flack/blame for being
'heavy handed' ..or such ....

Ah well ....good to be back .... oh and Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year to you all ....


RK - 1/2/12 at 02:51 AM

If you don't get blamed for something once in a while, you are no longer relevant. People have to show their appreciation somehow!

Fozzie - 1/2/12 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by RK
If you don't get blamed for something once in a while, you are no longer relevant. People have to show their appreciation somehow!