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Spotted in Horsham!
pekwah1 - 10/3/12 at 09:00 PM

Saw a red 7 with a black nose entering horsham off the dual carraigeway....
Didn't see it for long enough to tell what it was....

Anyone on here?

jollygreengiant - 10/3/12 at 11:39 PM

Yes, I've heard of this complaint, being spotted in horsham is a terrible condition that I believe the doctors have no real cure for. However I do believe that there are some old wives cures for this, but I cannot go into them on an open forum as it might upset some administrators. I also believe that the time to worry is if the spots join up and become stripes.

ashg - 11/3/12 at 02:08 AM

there is a black caterham floating about have seen it a few times in crawley driving home from work.