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Build / Rebuild manuals.
Westy1994 - 27/5/12 at 02:22 PM

Whilst trawling the net for some info, I came across a couple of manuals in PDF format.

Full build manual for the Westfield SE, SEi and SEiGHT. 94 pages long

Ford's Kent Crossflow manual rebuilding and tuning, I did have an original paper version of this years ago, but got lost in a house move. 192 pages.

I can email the Westy one to folks, but the Ford one is too big in file size, so will need uploading somewhere for you to download.

If you haven't got the time to find these yourself online, give me a PM, and I will send you the stuff.



I have no clue as to the link URL's now, as Firefox clears all my cookies on shutdown, sorry.

[Edited on 27/5/12 by Westy1994]

ReMan - 27/5/12 at 03:44 PM


Westy1994 - 27/5/12 at 06:53 PM

Thanks Reman, that was the link I found last night.

Also just managed to locate the Ford one again,
