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I'm not happy! [Now with photos!]
David Jenkins - 13/6/12 at 02:37 PM

Been away for a long weekend in Scotland, and when I got back I decided that a drive round the country lanes would be nice while the weather was still dry...

Doing quite well... until I was nearly home: came around a tight blind corner at a sensible speed, saw a van coming towards me, so braked - and the front of the car kept on going. The wheels were on a slimy mix of mud and gravel (not even nice to walk on). Went into the front of the van at about 5 - 10mph.

The van showed no sign of damage whatsoever (plastic front), not even scuff marks.

My nose-cone is trashed, one headlight is gone, and it looks like chassis member FU2 was bent when the wheel was knocked back. When FU2 moved it bent my steering linkage. Chassis member LA may also be bent, but I'll have to investigate further - that may only be a millimetre or two out. I think FU2 is going to be a sod to replace as it's partly covered by the aluminium side panel (I might be able to work through the suspension arm gaps, but it'll be tight). The suspension arms seem undamaged, but I'll strip them anyway, check them over, and repaint if they're OK.

It's been a hectic month so far, with an 88-year-old mother-in-law in hospital in Swansea, a wedding in Scotland, and assorted other stuff going on - I could have done without this...

[Edited on 14/6/12 by David Jenkins]

coyoteboy - 13/6/12 at 02:49 PM

Not good. Still, you're alive.

You didn't put grease on the 1144's to stop the squeeling did you?

rusty nuts - 13/6/12 at 03:17 PM

At least you aren't hurt , better get a move on and fix it , you'll miss summer otherwise.

David Jenkins - 13/6/12 at 03:28 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
At least you aren't hurt

That's pretty much what the missus said later on...

As for missing summer - what summer?! Anyway - I drive in the winter too.

nick205 - 13/6/12 at 04:35 PM

Sorry to hear that David, it's a horrible feeling!

Still, you're unhurt and capable of fixing it which is the important bit.

ditchlewis - 13/6/12 at 08:08 PM

Commiserations where did the accident happen.

once nearly happened to me, a big 4x4 came speeding round the corner and i locked up went on the verge and just missed it by 10mm.

at least you wernt hurt.

these little cars have a way of stopping you getting bored.


Dangle_kt - 13/6/12 at 08:32 PM

I guess light = fragile.

Sorry to hear of your bump, hope the car is as simple to fix as possible.

It could have been a lot worse, you could have been riding a bike, then you'd have a broke body to go with the broken bike!

David Jenkins - 13/6/12 at 09:33 PM

Originally posted by ditchlewis
Commiserations where did the accident happen.

On the back lane between Capel Station Garage and Bentley Church. Apparently that corner had been flooded after the torrential rain on Friday - the water had gone, but there were a couple of inches of mud & gravel left behind that I hadn't seen. All other roads I'd driven on had been bone dry.

If I'd been in my tin-top then the ABS might have saved a collision, but even that wouldn't have been certain. All ABS does is give you steering control - it doesn't stop you any quicker on slippery stuff.

ditchlewis - 14/6/12 at 11:39 AM

Cuttlers lane gets like that to, the run off from the fields brings the mud onto the road.

i hope it does not take you too long to fix the car it is such a good example and a testamony to your skills.

keep your chin up and im sure you will see this as an opportunity to improve an already great car.


[Edited on 14/6/12 by ditchlewis]

David Jenkins - 14/6/12 at 02:33 PM

Well, I've stripped everything back and had a good look...

I think this needs replacing!

This is the only chassis member that's bent.

General view of the nose.

Close-up of the nose - I am UNIMPRESSED with the quality of work here! The gel coat is completely separate from the main substance of the GRP for about 8" back and 6" across. I've been lucky that hasn't gone in the past.

I plan to have a go at fixing the nose - getting an "original locost" replacement will be tough, and I'd have a heap of work getting everything else to fit to it.

[Edited on 14/6/12 by David Jenkins]

mangogrooveworkshop - 14/6/12 at 05:48 PM

push it straight and put a supplementary splint tube along side it.

My chassis was toast as all the tubes in the horizontal plane had compression ripples in them