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Flea Bay
The Ssssnake - 23/7/12 at 09:52 AM

Trawling through 'The Bay' as you do on a Monday morning and stumbled across this.......

eBay Item

Got me smiling, just thought I'd share the love

FASTdan - 23/7/12 at 10:18 AM

lol quite an amusing read. Can't believe how cheap these cars are though....

maccmike - 23/7/12 at 03:13 PM

great ad.
id probably have that haha

macc man - 23/7/12 at 05:43 PM

A pal of mine had the non turbo version. It realy is a nice car. Great to drive and fast. May be a future classic?

coyoteboy - 23/7/12 at 05:49 PM

fugly as sin though

steve m - 23/7/12 at 07:01 PM

Have to agree, one ugly stick was waved over that car, and declared it
one ugly f ing motor!

steve m - 23/7/12 at 07:04 PM

however, what lies under the skin is a Fiat, and that says a lot,

they are fun !!!!!!!!!!!

keith777 - 23/7/12 at 07:08 PM

I quite like it,found it last nite & sent link to my son - he loved it,
wonder what it would look like with clear laquer over it ?

quinnj3 - 23/7/12 at 07:48 PM

I quite like it too, but its one of those cars you would keep in a lock-up away from home in case someone you knew seen you driving it! Its definitely not one to be seen in.

Mr C - 23/7/12 at 09:01 PM

They have some nice touches though lke the colour coded dash panel, shame its a shite colour on this one. The engine is a gem though, more or less straight out of an integrale and brembo brakes as standard.

The Ssssnake - 24/7/12 at 01:36 PM

If I'd got the room I'd probably have a go at the auction, with that sort of power it should make for a decent blast.

Does anybody know of anybody using one in the self build scene??