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MeV Excocet or Mac 1 - which would you choose?
Jumbo - 16/9/12 at 11:13 AM

I know this is similar to other threads but would like opinions from hopefully other owners and if nothing else other enthusiasts, the nice choice I have are:

MEV Exocet
Built and sva'd this year
Mx5 engine and parts (as usual)
Nothing over the top build wise e.g. NOT poly bushed when swapping parts so wouldn't say built with total quality in mind more of a cae of getting it finished
Approx £4600


Built 2005
Pinto 2.1 with oil cooler, shallow sump, twin 40's
Aero screen, push button start, same owner for 5 years, tax and mot'd
Approx £4200

Overall comes down to personal choice I know, contributing factors are I'm no engineer so something easy to manage, re sale value (apologises to say this) and over all GRIN FACTOR!!!

So what's it to be guys, look forward to your thoughts and comments please.

Slimy38 - 16/9/12 at 11:37 AM

Just one thought. The MAC 1 has been owned and run for a few years, so all the 'niggles' that come with new built cars will have been found and fixed, the carbs will be reasonably set up, it'll be pretty much drive away. The Exocet being a newly finished build may not have been run as much, so may have a few things that'll crawl out the woodwork in the next 12 months. As an example, you mentioned they've not touched the bushes? Perhaps they might need changing soon.

Jumbo - 16/9/12 at 11:42 AM

Good call, I know for a fact that the car hasn't been ran very much at all since the test, 8 miles to be precise!!

sdh2903 - 16/9/12 at 11:56 AM

A very individual opinion but I think the exocets are fugly. MAC 1 gets my vote and when you get bored Chuck a zetec in it.

sdh2903 - 16/9/12 at 12:01 PM

And from a financial point the exocets can't hold value if a newly built one is only selling for that.

thefreak - 16/9/12 at 06:56 PM

I'm slightly biased but I'd go for the Exocet
We built one at the begining of the year and it was a very straight forward build, then we entered it into the Ma5daRacing MX150R series.
I've never raced before and I finished 3rd overall in the championship! The car was SO much fun to drive.
Handling - if you've ever driven an MX5, it's similar but in every way better. Someone acurately described it as a Gokart with a gearbox.
Spares/Repairs - The MX5 has been around long enough now to mean spare parts if needed are very cheap. I picked up a second engine for <£90 and a spare car
Upgrades - MX5 engine has been tried and tested for turbo-ing and supercharging and Jenvy throttle body kits are easily available for an extra 40bhp out of the box.

Here's a pic of the last race at Croft:

Jumbo - 16/9/12 at 08:02 PM

Looks like you've had lots of fun your exocet, had a mx5 a couple of years back and it did feel nice to drive but then so did the locost 7 I had, choices, choices??