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Bike Jets on loan!
RobBrown - 17/9/12 at 01:00 PM

Hi all

After some struggles with Bike Carbs and the availability and cost effectiveness of getting the right set of jet sizes I had a bit of a brainwave and wondered whether it would be something you guys are interested in.

My struggles mainly centered around finding the right size main jet for my newly acquired set of bike carbs.

I bought a small drill bit set, but wasn't quite sure how big to go before having to re-solder and move down a level. Drills were only in increments of 0.1mm equivalent to 4 jet sizes.

When I searched for jets i found that a lot of the suppliers were in the US and the ones in the UK were substantially more expensive so buying 4 of every size was out of the question. So the crux of my idea...

If I were to put together a kit which contained 4 of a selection of jet sizes i.e. 120,130,140,150,160, etc. The idea being that you purchased this kit and once you found your ideal size you returned the kit for a refund where you only paid for the jets you used.

I'm thinking £100 for the kit of 8 sizes (130,140,150 etc up to 200), once returned you got £75 back. It means although you pay £25 for your 4 jets but it means you haven't had to buy multiple sets which you are then left with afterwards.

You can continue to go to a company like Wemoto and buy jets direct, but you would have to buy multiples.

You could also continue to drill.

It might be that once we've been through a number of iterations then the kit can become more refined and therefore cheaper initially. ie a set for 130-160 could be £50 initially.

My next step if the response was positive would be to understand the jet types in each kit i.e Mikuni N102.221 (small round) or N100.604 (large round), does the kit include other jets as well as mains and try and stump up some guinea pigs

Would there be a market for this or is it a waste of time? Or even someone already doing this?

PAUL FISHER - 17/9/12 at 01:22 PM

I just ring Andy bates up at AB Performance, tell him what set up I have, and he sends me the correct size jets I require

maccmike - 17/9/12 at 02:35 PM

I think thats a good idea, people who do theyre own jetting would be good customers.
Theres trial and error involved with diy so would you still return items that had been fitted?
Also, it may take a while to build up the reputation that you will actually give em back 75 quid.
Good luck

RobBrown - 17/9/12 at 02:55 PM

Originally posted by maccmike
I think thats a good idea, people who do theyre own jetting would be good customers.
Theres trial and error involved with diy so would you still return items that had been fitted?
Also, it may take a while to build up the reputation that you will actually give em back 75 quid.
Good luck

Agree, it's a tricky one. Likewise I wouldn't want to personally commit to multiple kits if no-one will take me up on it.

I could create smaller kits as above which would only cost £50 which might get more people to take up the offer.

I'd have to have some way of identifying that jets hadn't been drilled or damaged, before refunding all the remainder of the cost.

Still think it is worth looking at, but maybe on a small scale to begin with - Only certain bike models.

Could probably offer bespoke sizes so if you knew that you needed between 150 and 170, I could create a kit with 150,155,160,165 and 170 for £50, you wouldn't be loosing out as much perhaps

This is all about helping guys (and girls) get to a point of being able to get to a RR for finer tuning - this is not a replacement for those guys getting it all right.