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Looking for High-Res car images
jonabonospen - 21/11/12 at 10:32 PM

I have a friend who is trying to do some photoshop designs for me for my Mac#1 ZX10R Worx I am about to start building, but he is struggling to do a decent job with the images I have given him.

Does anybody have some good high resolution pictures of their car, preferably a Mac#1 Worx with full rollcage, in a plain, not too bright/loud colour, that they could send me to use? If not Mac#1 then something else similar with full cage would be great.

Many thanks guys.

Steve Hignett - 22/11/12 at 06:56 AM

liam.mccaffrey - 22/11/12 at 11:35 AM

Where is that worx guy don't see him on here much now?

Steve Hignett - 9/12/12 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
Where is that worx guy don't see him on here much now?

Thank goodness!!!

austin man - 9/12/12 at 10:45 PM

Not a Mac 1 but some MK's they are very similar hope they are use