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Few random questions about my car
monck - 29/11/12 at 10:23 PM

Right few things i want answering if anyone can tell me ...

Firstly my zetec threw a rod threw the side the block, the piston however bend 2 valves very slightly are the cams fitted likely to have substantiated any damage?

second one , im after some flywheel bolts for my new engine if i remember as its a lightened you should use the shorter zetec automatic flywheel bolts anyone confirm this ?

Third one .... Anyone able to tell me how much taller a st170 engine is than a zetec if any ?

Thinking of getting a new sump also , Raceline springs to mind straight off... i imagine the most expensive wet sump ? anyone recommend any others (cars on the road not track )


[Edited on 29/11/12 by monck]

Charlie_Zetec - 29/11/12 at 10:34 PM

1) unlikely, but check the lobes on the cam for any obvious sign of being knocked or damaged
2) as it's a lightened flywheel, you're correct, you can't use the standard bolts (unsure of the auto ones tho, got mine from Burton)
3) Raceline sumps are good, albeit expensive (£450 odd); other options include Dunnell, Scholar, or DIY job on a std silvertop unit!

monck - 30/11/12 at 12:33 AM

Thanks for reply

The cam shows no signs of damage thank god but ill get a garage opinion to check ( they wasnt cheap )

you say you got them from burton do they sell just the shorter bolt or ?

Yes i was aware there £500 give or take .. Are Scholar or dunnel ones any cheaper ?

Dont fancy a DIY sump my shortened blacktop tin one i have has been a nightmare from day one
and my spare silvertop has a lovely cast sump but i dont want to have to bolt windage tray to main bolts on my blacktop to fit it ..

Charlie_Zetec - 30/11/12 at 12:37 AM

Burtons sell the short bolts, as well as the ARP version - give them a call and they'll tell you the best suited ones.

As for the sumps, Scholar and Dunnell are both cheaper than Raceline at about the £300 mark each....

monck - 30/11/12 at 12:45 AM

£300 thats alot less be intresting to find out the diffrences if any

i will give them a call see what they say and ill also contact burtons

Thanks for your help

Charlie_Zetec - 30/11/12 at 01:04 AM

Sorry, I should have been more specific re. the sumps;

my understanding is that the Raceline one is made from scratch, but the Scholar and Dunnell ones are modified silvertop units; given the looks and spec, I would say more effort has gone into the Dunnel unit to try and keet it as close to standard as possible in terms of capacity etc, but the Scholar unit seems to look more like it "suits" a 7-esque in terms of its aerodynamic shaping and design (if that makes sense?).... I know the Raceline unit requires extra parts to fit the blacktop engine (not exactly sure what), but I can't comment on the other two.

As someone once said to me, "you pay your money, and take your choice." None of them would be still selling them if they weren't up to the job.

snapper - 30/11/12 at 08:19 AM

We have modified CVH sumps to good effect
The only thing you need to worry about is replacing the lost capacity, testing the welds so they are fluid tight and perhaps fitting a windage tray or baffle box.
907 on here may be able to weld one up and he tests the welds
Doug SFS on Turbosports does baffles

Norfolkluegojnr - 30/11/12 at 08:57 AM

I had a scholar sump on my blacktop - I drove it very hard and never suffered with surge or starvation.

Very helpful guys too, thoroughly reccomended.

[Edited on 30/11/12 by Norfolkluegojnr]

monck - 30/11/12 at 03:10 PM

Cheers lads great info as usual

Does the scholar sump have a wind-age tray fitted to it or do you have to bolt it to your main bolts ?

Race-lines £500 for a blacktop now id love one but with Christmas upon us im trying not to buy one

Norfolkluegojnr - 30/11/12 at 03:13 PM

Scholar sump comes with the windage tray and turned spacers.

You need to unbolt your mains, and fit the spacers, then re bolt and torque correctly.

Other than that, it goes on like meccano.

monck - 30/11/12 at 03:21 PM

Unbolting mains makes me all worried

Do you need to use silvertop mains as there longer or ?

Very interested in the measurement from the bottom of block to base of this sump if anyone has one and could measure

Norfolkluegojnr - 30/11/12 at 03:27 PM

Sorry, sold my kit a year or so ago

they supply correct main bolts. just make sure you torque them right and you won't have any probs.

monck - 30/11/12 at 03:30 PM

just Google'd it and word is there both raceline and scholar are 160mm from gasket to base wanted to check as i need all i can get not sure my bonnet will fit with an st170 engine

[Edited on 30/11/12 by monck]

ChrisL - 30/11/12 at 08:40 PM

Re #2 Yes auto bolts are shorter have a look at for the part no's