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Search function
Dopdog - 29/1/13 at 07:19 AM

is it just me or has the search function stopped working?
ever time i try it just says nothing found?

silky16v - 29/1/13 at 07:39 AM

Nope your right it doesn't work

mookaloid - 29/1/13 at 07:41 AM

Yes it isn't working at the moment. Chris is working on it I believe

Dopdog - 29/1/13 at 08:03 AM

OK thank you, just woundered if i had finger trouble with PCs again

Grimsdale - 29/1/13 at 08:15 AM

you can always use google. Type "" (without quotes) after what you want to search, and it will return results only from lcb.

Sloan85 - 29/1/13 at 08:20 AM

Search using Google by typing....

... and then whatever you are searching for.

Johneturbo - 29/1/13 at 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Sloan85
Search using Google by typing....

... and then whatever you are searching for.

That was very handy when i needed to find something the other day

Trollyjack - 29/1/13 at 08:54 PM

I thought I was doing some thing wrong this lunch time it dint work then

Thought I was cracking up