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Driving at night in a seven ?? (video linked)
Krismc - 25/4/13 at 08:32 PM

First of all watch this......

.....So apart from being bright orange and having my lights on full tilt, how do you make a women in a golf see you at night???

I was actually nearly on the grass at 40mph in this video, im glad I spotted the swerve early and backed off on the round about.

[Edited on 25/4/13 by Krismc]

MsD - 25/4/13 at 08:49 PM

That was pretty close!!

You could be in a fire engine with blues and two's on and some women drivers wouldn't notice you..

She had no reason to even be in your lane.

I presume a hand gesture to inform her of her incorrect actions was applied!!?


Krismc - 25/4/13 at 08:55 PM

Yes, regulatary hand signals applied.

The beeps covered my verbal words of wisdom.

rodgling - 25/4/13 at 08:56 PM

I got a very loud horn for this reason. Might get a louder one after watching that.

That said, I tend not to drive at night in the 7 as it's not a lot of fun due to poor headlights.

[Edited on 25/4/13 by rodgling]

MsD - 25/4/13 at 08:59 PM

That's what I like to hear...
Even after that near miss I doubt she will have learnt and still wont check her mirrors. let alone her blindspot!

Just watched your winter shakedown video- cool vid


Slimy38 - 25/4/13 at 09:02 PM

I came back up from Basingstoke on Wednesday, I saw no less than six vehicles unable to maintain their lane. The worst one was an old man in an Audi, he was so tired that he drifted one and a half lanes to the left before recovering. I only know he was tired because I looked to see who was driving, and he greeted me with a long yawn. This was about 2 in the afternoon.

Oh yeah, and the only reason why he got away with such a lane drift was that he was in the middle lane, with no-one in the left hand lane....

I also got a Ford pick up cause me to slam my brakes on while he ate a sandwich, a BMW more interested in answering a phone call than stay in lane, and then two lorries who thankfully used the hard shoulder to change lane rather than my car. I gave up paying attention after that, and just let the others get on with it.

maccmike - 25/4/13 at 09:14 PM

Great vid, some appalling drivers out there

Irony - 25/4/13 at 09:37 PM

I've got a mk4 golf and I have been caught out one or twice with someone just sitting in the blindspot. No excuse though, more so at night as your headlights were shining on the ground for her to see.

nick205 - 25/4/13 at 10:15 PM

Over the 3k miles I did in my Indy I came across that more often than I care to remember, from women and men in equal measure I have to say. Personally I viewed it like riding a bike, you are less visible, more vulnerable and have to pay more attention.

It doesn't make it right, but it is a fact of driving on public roads.

steve m - 26/4/13 at 07:39 AM

Agree with all the above, but i seem to get it during the day as well, it seems no one can see a highly polished alui and green car and have so many near miss's ive lost count, and most of them at T junctions when im on the main road

I now, (just like my old motorbike days) drive with my lights on, plus i have LED marker lights at the front, that are permantly on when the ignition is,

A lot of the problem is not the colour of our cars, but the fact they are so low, and a bit like a motorbike and rider, the frontage is minimul compared to a normal vehicle

I now drive like everone else on the road is trying to kill me

Problem with driving with your lights on, is that everyone has to tell you, "your lights are on" my sarcastic reply of clapping my hands in full view of them, and congratulating them on there observasional skills and the fact that they actually saw me, normaly results in them shouting back some insult

I just laugh, and wave a couple of fingers at them, and depart rapidly


peter bland - 26/4/13 at 07:49 AM

You should have splashed out the £1.60 for the tunnel!!!!!!

Krismc - 26/4/13 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by peter bland
You should have splashed out the £1.60 for the tunnel!!!!!!

Actually the same route.

Better than making a " ive got no wheels on" excuse!