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Robin Hood pic for Scootz
jps - 12/2/14 at 01:29 PM

Your topic strangely disappeared as I was looking at it?

Anyway - a quick Google search threw up this - which includes some pics:

v8kid - 12/2/14 at 01:41 PM

and more

Dingz - 12/2/14 at 05:38 PM

Is it a competition to guess the original question?

snapper - 12/2/14 at 05:49 PM

I know people who saw the Lightweight that caused all the problems before Graham bought it and sorted it
The car he bought after its fail was not well put together but more tragically it then tarred all Lightweights with the same brush
Graham did a great job building out the issues and more people got there cars through because of him
Yes it was mis sold after originally being a 1 season track car
I would not have liked to have been in a shunt in its original format

scootz - 12/2/14 at 06:16 PM

LOL... cheers guys! I went to edit the original to say that I found a pic and hit the delete button instead of edit!

The original post stated that I'd read on another forum that the Quantum Xtreme chassis was a development of the RH one.

Having now seen the RH pics (and having owned 2 Xtreme's) I can say they are light years apart and only really share the stainless steel material they are both built with!!

theduck - 12/2/14 at 08:00 PM

I own an Robin Hood S7 monocoque, and have inspected the Quantum quite closely and also a road legal lightweight.

The Lightweight is very different to both the S7 and Quantum, and I would suggest if the Quantum was a development of anything it would be the S7 and not the lightweight.

scootz - 12/2/14 at 08:16 PM

Don't suppose you have any S7 chassis pics?

theduck - 12/2/14 at 09:38 PM

I have an S7 in the garage, what do you want to see/know?

ETA: Most pictures I have are here

From memory, the Quantum seemed to follow the same basic idea but then was made much better and out of heavier gauge material.

[Edited on 12/2/14 by theduck]

scootz - 12/2/14 at 09:56 PM


It was just to see the chassis design. I can't find a single pic of a bare RH monocoque chassis on the interweb!

theduck - 12/2/14 at 10:09 PM

here you go

BangedupTiger - 12/2/14 at 10:17 PM

I'm collecting some parts off Richard next week if anyone has any detailed questions I can ask him.

Dingz - 13/2/14 at 10:13 AM

The Ducks link is to one of the rear engined versions that Richard Stuart built probably only 2 or 3 they were to take a mini or metro engine/gearbox in the back. Not sure if I have ever seen a completed one.

theduck - 13/2/14 at 10:42 AM

That's right, the basic design didn't vary much though.

scootz - 13/2/14 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by theduck
here you go

Thanks very much.