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Thoughts please
davey_b - 28/2/14 at 04:21 PM

I've wanted to do a Lotus 7 type build for years but it's always been a bit of a pipe dream. I'm now finished our house build and more settled with work and starting to think that I might actually be in a position in the next few years to do this. I'm just looking for people's thoughts on the best route to go down with this so I have an idea on how much to save for it and so I can start to plan it.

I'm not looking to build a track car. I would like a car that I can drive in the summer on the roads and will pack a good punch when I need to pass something on a country road. I would like something that has a windscreen so that I can take people in it without the them having to wear sunglasses etc. Also living in the west of Scotland it's likely that I'll get caught in rain at some point so I'd like to have a roof that I can pull over it and drive with if necessary.

I'm not averse to building one from scratch, i.e. building space frame myself etc. but I think if I'm honest a kit of some description would be better for me. I like the Dax Rush and just wondering what the alternatives to this were and how much this might cost all in with a decent (150+bhp) engine in it?

Many thanks


Slimy38 - 28/2/14 at 05:01 PM

I know you're a bit far north, but have you ever considered coming to Stoneleigh? Pretty much every kit car being built tends to be there, and it's the best place to see the different options available.

Make a weekend of it, have a chat with the owners club members, and see if anything takes your fancy. It's the 4th and 5th of May, so a couple of months time?

fesycresy - 28/2/14 at 06:24 PM

£75,000 for the Dax Rush at the moment, Dax are selling it off!

As mentioned get to Stoneleigh.

Westfield do half decent wet weather gear I believe.

davey_b - 28/2/14 at 07:11 PM

Yeah saw that on a Dax forum that it was being sold. Apparently they are hopeful that it'll get bought and production will continue.

I'd love to come to Stoneleigh but I'm not sure family commitments will allow this year. I'll see what I can work out though.

Slimy38 - 28/2/14 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by davey_b
Yeah saw that on a Dax forum that it was being sold. Apparently they are hopeful that it'll get bought and production will continue.

I'd love to come to Stoneleigh but I'm not sure family commitments will allow this year. I'll see what I can work out though.

Bring them!! You're going to need to get buy in from the missus otherwise it gets very challenging when you just want to buy that extra power drill 'for doing the floor rivets', but she's holding your credit card...

As soon as my son is old enough to walk around for a full day without needing a nap he'll be coming with me.

davey_b - 28/2/14 at 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
Originally posted by davey_b
Yeah saw that on a Dax forum that it was being sold. Apparently they are hopeful that it'll get bought and production will continue.

I'd love to come to Stoneleigh but I'm not sure family commitments will allow this year. I'll see what I can work out though.

Bring them!! You're going to need to get buy in from the missus otherwise it gets very challenging when you just want to buy that extra power drill 'for doing the floor rivets', but she's holding your credit card...

As soon as my son is old enough to walk around for a full day without needing a nap he'll be coming with me.

Haha. We'll see. You're right about the credit card though

Had a look at the westfield site. The sdv kits look like they would work for me but I'm not sure about the 1.6 mx5 power plant, think I'd be looking for a bit more power. That's why I like the dax rush, they seem to be able to accommodate a lot of different engines.

[Edited on 28/2/14 by davey_b]

Slimy38 - 28/2/14 at 09:52 PM

Don't discount that 1.6 engine, especially in something as light as a Westfield. Have a read of this, if Westfield are claiming a 5.5 0-60 then that sounds like fun to me!! And there is always scope for a supercharger...

snapper - 1/3/14 at 06:23 AM

MX5 engine can make 140 to 160
Dax Rush is pretty but over tyred and a bit pricey
Westfield is a good option but again cost more to build
GBS Zero has wet weather gear and screen but could be made to fit an MK
I think you will get more targeted response if you give a rough idea of budget
I found by taking my time over that build funds became available further down the road
You should factor in IVA and registration costs which will add near 1k to overall cost
I would recomend Stoneliegh you will get there eventually and it would be a shame to have bought your kit and then see one more to your liking

davey_b - 1/3/14 at 07:48 AM

I think you're right about the fact that the money would come together over time. Re budget I think 8 - 10k would be the limit but I'd like to do it for less.

Looking at the westfield kit prices this morning. For the sdv there is a starter pack and then completion pack specific to the car you use as the donor. For mvd there only seems to be a starter pack. Does that mean that's all you need and you get everything else off the donor vehicles? If so that ticks two boxes. It's cheaper and you have more choice of engines.


matt5964 - 1/3/14 at 08:26 AM

How about the gkd legend

davey_b - 1/3/14 at 08:46 AM

Originally posted by matt5964
How about the gkd legend

Looks nice. A complete kit is £10k and you need a donor car on top of that. There is an essential kit but again I'm not sure how that would work. If you got that would you just get everything else off the donor car/cars?

Slimy38 - 1/3/14 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by davey_b
I think you're right about the fact that the money would come together over time. Re budget I think 8 - 10k would be the limit but I'd like to do it for less.

Looking at the westfield kit prices this morning. For the sdv there is a starter pack and then completion pack specific to the car you use as the donor. For mvd there only seems to be a starter pack. Does that mean that's all you need and you get everything else off the donor vehicles? If so that ticks two boxes. It's cheaper and you have more choice of engines.


This is the problem I had when pricing up the kits, it was almost impossible to compare like for like. You should also bear in mind that even with kits that use a lot of donor parts, you still have to buy some parts new (brake pads, discs and tyres are obvious ones, but replacement gaiters, nuts and bolts, etc are also likely to need some attention).

Smokey mow - 1/3/14 at 11:44 AM

Originally posted by davey_b
I think you're right about the fact that the money would come together over time. Re budget I think 8 - 10k would be the limit but I'd like to do it for less.

Looking at the westfield kit prices this morning. For the sdv there is a starter pack and then completion pack specific to the car you use as the donor. For mvd there only seems to be a starter pack. Does that mean that's all you need and you get everything else off the donor vehicles? If so that ticks two boxes. It's cheaper and you have more choice of engines.


There is a completion kit for the mazda based cars (see page 8) this lists everything it includes

Don't let the price of it put you off though as Westfield will add or subtract parts from that kit and adjust the price accordingly if you have some parts already or want to sorce certain bits from elsewhere. Normally around The time of stoneleigh they have been offering some good discounts on new kits and for the last couple of months they have been running a 10% discount offer for WSCC members.

davey_b - 4/3/14 at 02:42 PM

Thanks for the info. Posted on the WSCC site about Westies and got some good info there. Quite like the look of the MK Indy, MNR Vortx and possibly Tiger Avon and looks like I'll be heading to Stoneleigh so making a list of people I want to talk to and cars I want to see there. Westies still look a bit pricey for my liking and a bit too bolt together. I like the MK etc. as they are a bit less and looks like you need to be a bit more hands on with the build.

[Edited on 4/3/14 by davey_b]

johnny chimpo - 4/3/14 at 05:29 PM

I'm from over in Inverclyde and have an MNR. I don't have any experience with other kit manufacturers but have nothing but praise for MNR. If I can be of any help just let me know.



davey_b - 4/3/14 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by johnny chimpo
I'm from over in Inverclyde and have an MNR. I don't have any experience with other kit manufacturers but have nothing but praise for MNR. If I can be of any help just let me know.



That would be great, thanks. Would I be able to pop over sometime? My mate who's into kit cars too is staying around easter time as he's working down here and I know he'd want to come too.

johnny chimpo - 4/3/14 at 06:30 PM

Yeah not a problem!

Contact me neither the time as I work away a lot so may not always be available.



davey_b - 4/3/14 at 06:35 PM

Great, sounds good. Did you build yours yourself? Is it just a track car or do you use it on the road too?

davey_b - 4/3/14 at 08:06 PM

Looking at MK cars tonight. I see people talking about the Indy and also the Indy R. When I look on the MK site they only list tye Indy R. Is there a basic Indy or is that the Indy R?