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furore on bbc
loggyboy - 28/4/14 at 08:04 PM

Only caught the tail end, but panarama show on bernie ecclestone, feat the furore as a segue, not named, just as a little sideline.

redturner - 28/4/14 at 08:12 PM

Seemed more like a witch hunt to me.....

loggyboy - 28/4/14 at 08:19 PM

As I said, missed all but the last 5 mins, but I dont doubt he is as guilty as puppy sitting next to a pile of pooh. The higher you climb, the further you fall, and he's been stretching his ladder for some years.

craig1410 - 28/4/14 at 11:50 PM

I'm no particular fan of Bernie but there is no doubt in my mind that he has worked bloody hard to accumulate his fortune and part and parcel of that is minimising tax liability and safeguarding his business using whatever means necessary. It's up to HMRC to assess his tax position and from what i understand, they did that and he paid what they asked for. The bribery allegation is another matter which doesn't look great but I'm sure there are two sides to the story. I'm also sure that there are plenty of other leading businessmen in the world who have done a lot worse and got away with it.

If he done wrong then I'm sure the court will prove that point and penalise accordingly. If he's not paid enough tax then again I'm sure that will be sorted out. What annoys me are the small-minded people out there who simply don't like the guy because he is successful and has lots of money. Not referring to any of the posts above by the way, just stuff I've read in forums recently. People generally just hate to see another man/woman doing well it seems. A common character flaw in society perhaps.

Personally I'm more jealous that he gets to hang around F1 tracks and pit lanes for a living!

russbost - 29/4/14 at 06:10 AM

Yes it was a Furore on the prog, not seen it yet as I'm currently in S.A., but thanks for noticing!

redturner - 29/4/14 at 06:56 AM

Originally posted by craig1410
I'm no particular fan of Bernie but there is no doubt in my mind that he has worked bloody hard to accumulate his fortune and part and parcel of that is minimising tax liability and safeguarding his business using whatever means necessary. It's up to HMRC to assess his tax position and from what i understand, they did that and he paid what they asked for. The bribery allegation is another matter which doesn't look great but I'm sure there are two sides to the story. I'm also sure that there are plenty of other leading businessmen in the world who have done a lot worse and got away with it.

If he done wrong then I'm sure the court will prove that point and penalise accordingly. If he's not paid enough tax then again I'm sure that will be sorted out. What annoys me are the small-minded people out there who simply don't like the guy because he is successful and has lots of money. Not referring to any of the posts above by the way, just stuff I've read in forums recently. People generally just hate to see another man/woman doing well it seems. A common character flaw in society perhaps.

Personally I'm more jealous that he gets to hang around F1 tracks and pit lanes for a living!

Absolutely correct.....

ashg - 29/4/14 at 11:56 AM

im not sure if i like what he has influenced in f1 over the years and for that im not very keen on him. as for his taxes etc dont really give a toss about that. its up to him what he does with his taxes and if he gets caught its his problem.

redturner - 29/4/14 at 12:12 PM

What really surprises me is the fact that all these people who are slagging him off for legally dodging paying the full amount of tax would be the first to protect there money if they suddenly got lucky and won the Euro lottery. They would be the first to be looking to ship it off shore.....

craig1410 - 29/4/14 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by redturner
What really surprises me is the fact that all these people who are slagging him off for legally dodging paying the full amount of tax would be the first to protect there money if they suddenly got lucky and won the Euro lottery. They would be the first to be looking to ship it off shore.....

Yeah, exactly!

Speaking as someone who started a limited company in 2011, I can say that even when you have no intention of breaking any tax laws or corporate laws, it is really difficult (impossible really) to be 100% sure that you are compliant in every way, even with paid-for, professional advice. There are so many grey areas, especially so in my industry (IT) where IR35 legislation is particularly difficult to assess and can increase tax liability by 25% or more. That tax liability can be investigated retrospectively over many years (up to 20 in some cases) so could be a massive amount of money.

So, do you "play it safe" and just pay that tax from day 1, perhaps unnecessarily, or do you use your judgement, and honest intentions, and hope that HMRC never come after you? If I did the former then it wouldn't be worth me starting my company in the first place which doesn't help the UK economy one little bit.

I would love to see the tax system simplified because the more complex it is, the easier it is for the dishonest to hide and the harder it is for the honest to be confident they are compliant.

02GF74 - 29/4/14 at 07:25 PM

Originally posted by redturner
What really surprises me is the fact that all these people who are slagging him off for legally dodging paying the full amount of tax would be the first to protect there money if they suddenly got lucky and won the Euro lottery. They would be the first to be looking to ship it off shore.....

Somebody correct me but i understood the tax was paid up front on each littery ticket so the winnings are tax free.

coozer - 29/4/14 at 07:39 PM

Whats the show called, I'll see if I can find it on the iPlayer..

redturner - 29/4/14 at 07:50 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by redturner
What really surprises me is the fact that all these people who are slagging him off for legally dodging paying the full amount of tax would be the first to protect there money if they suddenly got lucky and won the Euro lottery. They would be the first to be looking to ship it off shore.....

Somebody correct me but i understood the tax was paid up front on each littery ticket so the winnings are tax free.
The tax on the interest isn't.....and with £50m in the bank it's a good excuse to try to avoid paying tax

russbost - 29/4/14 at 07:56 PM

Coozer, it was Panorama on BBC 1 April 28th

coozer - 29/4/14 at 08:24 PM


coozer - 1/5/14 at 09:22 AM

Just watched the catch up and as far as I can tell he has paid the money hrmc wanted.

The bribery trial is something else.

Not keen on the guy but he has some cracking daughters....