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SVA 2003
paulbeyer - 7/10/02 at 12:22 PM

Proof of front and side impact protection will be required for SVA's from Oct 2003. The good news is it will only apply to vehicles that require an ESVA (extended SVA test). Whats that I here you cry? This is what I have found on the DOT web site........

What is Enhanced Single Vehicle Approval (ESVA)?
Generally, ESVA will apply to cars and light goods vehicles, for which no certificates are available to demonstrate conformity with a valid EC or national type approval, usually those that are not manufactured for the European market. These vehicles will have to meet the basic SVA requirements as well as additional safety, environmental and security aspects, namely, in the case of passenger vehicles, brakes, crash safety, seat belt installation and anchorages, exhaust emissions (including CO2), noise and silencers and anti-theft protection, and in the case of goods vehicles, brakes, exhaust emissions (including CO2) and noise. For these additional requirements, the European Standard (or certain equivalents) for that aspect of the vehicle and appropriate to the age of the vehicle will have to be met.

Some vehicle types will not have to meet these additional provisions. These are: left hand drive vehicles, personal imports, very low volume production vehicles, amateur built vehicles, vehicles manufactured using parts of a registered vehicle, disabled person's vehicles and rebuilt vehicles. However, a basic SVA examination will still be required.

So, if I understand it correctly our ongoing builds should not be affected. (you can relax Bob).

James - 7/10/02 at 03:54 PM


So, if I understand it correctly our ongoing builds should not be affected. (you can relax Bob).

Phew! Good news I guess!

Only problem is- working to a deadline makes me work harder/faster- now I've gotta force myself to spend less time here and more in the garage!

Cheers Paul,


bob - 7/10/02 at 05:27 PM

Well it was a good one if only to get my finger out and back in the garage .

Remember i want to drive it to Le Mans 03,after a shakedown trip to stoneleigh.

stephen_gusterson - 7/10/02 at 05:31 PM

ah, well, i thought it was summat like that.

Im just glad you had to read through all that crap and not me :

