Hi Guys
Couldn't really find a suitable place to put this, hence sticking it in the general 'Locost Related' section.
As per the title really- I'm overhauling the Westy's cooling system whilst the engine is out for a strip and rebuild and need a T-piece
shaped reducer; plastic or alloy is fine.
It's to T-in the feed from the oil cooler to the top hose; the top hose is 25mm internal diameter and the oil cooler return uses 12mm. I've
looked on the usual kit websites as well as eBay, but no one seems to do one. Effectively the top of the T needs to be 25mm, with the vertical being
the 12mm.
Does anyone know where I can buy one from? Or is there anyone on here who can make me one if I send a drawing over? I don't really have the
skills/facilities to make one of these myself, hence my asking!
Thanks in advance as always, guys.
[Edited on 22/3/15 by BigMac]
I got a 32mm to 32mm with the tee bit 16mm from ebay. I'll see if I can find the seller.
Hmm ebay comes up with 25 mm spout.
25 mm with 13 mm spout any good!
Originally posted by 02GF74
Hmm ebay comes up with 25 mm spout.
25 mm with 13 mm spout any good!
Yeah but i found it frst nana nana so there.
Plumbers merchants are good for this sort of fitting in copper, I go for yorkshire fittings as they have a bulge that is great to hold the hose in place. If need be you could go for a 25mm tee and solder a reducer on a short length of copper pipe or just fit a length of rubber hose between the tee and reducer.
Thank you very much gents for routing one out for me, have ordered it now.
Can't remember what search terms I was using, but I couldn't find one on eBay at all!
Thanks again all,
I used copper solder ring fittings for mine. 22mm T has an OD of about 25mm, sweat in a 10mm reducer and that gives you roughly 12mm OD.
There is a yorkshire reduced Tee 22 x 22 x10 should be about what you need.