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MK Indy on a Q plate ?
sonic - 25/2/16 at 06:09 PM

Hello all

What are the pro's and con's of an MK Indy on a Q plate?

I have the chance of a car registered in 2006 on a Q, its been parked up in a garage not used, 2 ltr pinto engine in very good condition.

It needs checking over and an mot to use, i just wondered about the Q implications


jossey - 25/2/16 at 06:47 PM

Just resale value really so you can buy cheaper.

You can't put a private plate on it.

adithorp - 25/2/16 at 07:13 PM

Pro's... No emission test at MOT, just visible smoke check. Possibly cheaper to buy.
Con's... Can't put a private reg' on it. Possibly won't sell for as much.

ian locostzx9rc2 - 25/2/16 at 08:34 PM

I built my bike engined striker in 2002 it was on a q plate as said emissions at mot a bonus ,didn't seem to make a difference when I sold it car cost me including Sva 8k had it 3years and sold it for 7k so I was pretty happy with that another Bonus is q plates never age .

[Edited on 25/2/16 by ian locostzx9rc2]

alfas - 25/2/16 at 08:34 PM

honestly, if the built quality and condition of a q-plated car is better than on a similar non q-plated i would rahter pay more for the q.
sure...people always try to push the q-car in the cheaper" corner...but that wrong imo.

and nowadays...with all those emission standards...a q-plate has its advantages. who cares about a private-plate? yoiu cant see it anyway during driving.

kingster996 - 25/2/16 at 10:31 PM

Nothing wrong with a q plated kit.

Sensible buyers buy on condition and components not a set of meaningless numbers on a plate.

Q is a good thing in my opinion and as noted you can't see it when driving.

No difference in price whatsoever from what I can see and only people put off by a q are those who have no idea what hey are looking at.

sonic - 26/2/16 at 11:18 PM

Thanks for the replies guys