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pekwah1 - 6/5/18 at 08:39 PM

Hi guys,

I’m off to stoneleigh tomorrow in the striker, haven’t been before, any advice of a good time to arrive and do I just park where they tell me to?


ian locostzx9rc2 - 6/5/18 at 09:10 PM

HiAndy you can get in anytime earlier the better your more than welcome to park at the Rawcus pitch 11b or The jpsc pitch have great time Ian

pekwah1 - 6/5/18 at 09:26 PM

Hi, thanks Ian, at the risk of sounding stupid, what’s the “rawcus” pitch then?

ian locostzx9rc2 - 6/5/18 at 09:34 PM

It was going to be a owners club for raw cars many years ago that never took off so I kept the pitch for kitcar enthusiasts that weren’t a member of a club to be able to park with other car enthusiasts I’ll be there in the morning tomorrow in my 100e there should be about 6/10 other cars there fingers crossed cheers Ian

ian locostzx9rc2 - 7/5/18 at 03:29 PM

Hi Andy great to met another forum member and your partner hope you got home safe my car was getting hot so that’s why I stopped for a bit but got home in one piece cheers ian

pekwah1 - 7/5/18 at 03:44 PM

Hi Ian,

Good to meet you, yeh sorry I noticed you there as I was going past or would have stopped, glad it wasn’t anything too major!
Hopefully see you again at another meet soon!

Cheers Andy

swanny - 8/5/18 at 10:25 AM

Ian, your 100e is absolutely stunning. me and my mate were drooling over it, and i only just realised that you are on here. Amazing motor.

ian locostzx9rc2 - 8/5/18 at 01:24 PM

Thanks yes it was a bit of a labour of love to get back on the road when I bought 2years ago .