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Sierra Manual
carnut - 2/4/05 at 05:04 PM

Does anyone have an electronic copy of the sierra workshop manual?


JohnN - 2/4/05 at 09:11 PM

The following link is to a copy of chapter 5, on what is a Russian website???

Sierra manual chapter 5

The last part of the link relates to chapter 5, so it should be straightforward to change for each of the other chapters.


[Edited on 2/4/05 by JohnN]

carnut - 2/4/05 at 09:31 PM

Thats great thanks,

Except the section I wanted is missing.

JoelP - 2/4/05 at 09:58 PM

which bit do you need? i take it the stuff you need isnt in the haynes book of lies?

carnut - 2/4/05 at 10:36 PM

I need chapter 8. The only ones available above are 1 to 5 and 11 to 13.

JoelP - 2/4/05 at 10:53 PM

propshaft section?

carnut - 2/4/05 at 11:11 PM

You guessed it.

jolson - 4/4/05 at 08:37 PM

I've got it. 4 pages long as 4 png images. about 2.1 Mb.

U2U me if you want it.



muller - 6/12/06 at 08:47 AM

Does anyone happen to have copies of the pdf's files that they are willing to share?

I actually just need the section dealing with gearboxes but the above link is dead.

Much appreciated.