At last! My mate and I are off tomorrow to Luego to pick up our chassis + assorted other bits.
It was Nov 12th when we originally placed an order with Locost Ltd and after getting our money back and reordering with Luego, we are very relieved to
be finally able to start our build.
We have no welding talent so it'll be more of a kit for us but hopefully fun and worth it never the less.
Wish us luck
consider the luck wished
Best of luck lads,you will be sitting in the chassis with a sterring wheel in your hand this afternoon.
My wife caught me doing that a couple of hours after i put the chassis in the garage.
You're right Bob! We did! Vroom vroom
The journey from sunny Stowmarket to sunnier Ramsey Heights, home of Luego, was amusing to say the least in a tranny based diesel box van. Top speed
of about 64mph downhill. On the way home with the chassis etc in the back, we were being tailgated by lorries!
Still it's all here in my garage now (locked up securely just in case any tea leafs are reading this! )
Garage needs a right good sort out so we can get around the chassis to start building but that'll happen tomorrow. For now we're happy that are baby
is delivered safely and sleeping quietly. Oh and obviously we'll dream of wind in hair on sunny day with oodles of power under right foot turning
into large grin followed by huge oversteer moment followed by brown trousers followed by larger grin followed by even larger stories in the pub