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short video
derf - 19/6/05 at 04:33 AM

I made this a few months back during dis assembly, thought I'd share...

Oh yeh, don't laugh too hard

[Edited on 19/6/05 by derf]

Hellfire - 19/6/05 at 07:35 AM

Don't like qwiktyme...

Richard Y - 19/6/05 at 08:17 AM

oh dear ....

Peteff - 19/6/05 at 08:28 AM

Not quite Crazy Frog is it?

OX - 19/6/05 at 09:12 AM

you dont get out much do you

theconrodkid - 19/6/05 at 10:17 AM

why are you sitting in the passenger seat?
ps nice shades

scoobyis2cool - 19/6/05 at 10:21 AM

Doesn't want to load for me

Oh wait, yeah it does...


[Edited on 19/6/05 by scoobyis2cool]

Andrew+dad - 19/6/05 at 10:40 AM


Danozeman - 19/6/05 at 11:28 AM

LMFBO Man. Funny as..., What ever posessed you to do it?!

splitrivet - 19/6/05 at 11:35 AM

When does the bird with the big knockers come in and give you one.

derf - 19/6/05 at 02:19 PM

Ok, so I'm not in the passenger seat, I'm in the drivers seat, everyone on this forum sits on the wrong side of the car. The shades are my safety galsses.

And no I don't get out much, I had just escaped the day before

The chick with the tits is hiding under the dash, you just can't see her.

[Edited on 19/6/05 by derf]

tks - 19/6/05 at 02:39 PM

yeah that where the words that confirmed my thoughts..
