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Sure term claim?
Northy - 31/7/05 at 02:05 PM

I'm thinking of changing my insurance company to Sure term direct and just wondered if anyone has had a claim with them, and if they were any good?


Jasper - 1/8/05 at 11:09 AM

They paid out fairly quickly on my car - once I'd got the claims accessor out which took a while. It's actually insured with NIG, so once you make a claim it's all dealt with by them.

I'd use them again - though I'm not sure if they'd want me!

Hellfire - 1/8/05 at 01:53 PM

I'm sure they would Jasper. But at a price.

Adrian Flux were only too happy to take us back - At a price

JoelP - 1/8/05 at 04:55 PM

just a quick point, sureterm seem to be a broker? And they only give 50% of your premium to the underwriter now thats a way to make money

Northy - 1/8/05 at 05:49 PM

Well just re-newed my quote with them, see my other post