Interested in building my first locost - I've managed to get hold of the "build your own sportscar for under £250" but realise
that's a bit dated now. Is there a more modern equivilant?
If not how cheap am I likely to be able to build one?
I take it the old Escorts are not that easy to get hold of now, and after looking on ebay I can see there are a fair few Sierras going for decent
prices. Could the design be adapted?
Are there any other designs on the web to help me?
Finally how much is this likely to cost in Insurance for a first time driver of 17?
Thanks in advance
welcome to the mad house cost vairies depending on cc were u are mileadge if you are a member off a club you could get discounts but at 17 its best to start with a small cc then work your way up as you get older there are a few 1.3 cc cars on this forum maybe thay could be off more help regards
Not looking for anything too powerful, just some nice handling and fun.
Check on insurance first - you're age now plus 2-3 years typically then decide whether you can afford it or not. Go for say an MK Indy with
1.4 Rover or 1.6 Ford Pinto with a value of £3500. This should give you some idea of premium.
With a more powerful engine I doubt you would get quotes.
from my experience, it doesnt matter what size engine you use, all the insurance companies want to know is if its under 2L or not - proiding its a car
engine. there were only a few companies i could find to insure me, sureterm were the best, but the quote has gone up a bit now to £500ish.
as for the cost of the car, the more you ar prepared to do (fabrication etc...) the cheaper the build can be, but £250 is well wide of the mark!
All the best, and welcome
but £250 is well wide of the mark!
So what are we talking about for a 1.3cc?
I put £20 a week into a separate account for my car, it took 2 1/2 years - work it out!