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Which magazine???
Ben Graber - 20/10/05 at 12:17 PM

As the title says, i want to subscibe to a kit car magazine but short of going out and reading different magazine to suss out content ect, what mag would anyone recommend?

ned - 20/10/05 at 12:20 PM

kitcar mags are rubbish, total kitcar is the least worst imho

ppc (practical performance car) is where its at.

BKLOCO - 20/10/05 at 12:24 PM

100% Personal preference IMHO
I personally like Kit Car. The original and the best, Again IMHO

scoobyis2cool - 20/10/05 at 12:32 PM

I'll second PPC


nick205 - 20/10/05 at 12:48 PM

I usually use my local library (WH Smiths ) to have a scan through the motoring magazines. I don't find much worth reading in the 2 kit car titles apart from the amusing and long running slanging match they both engage in.

Locostbuilders is where it's at for me

Alan B - 20/10/05 at 12:50 PM

Originally posted by BKLOCO
100% Personal preference IMHO
I personally like Kit Car. The original and the best, Again IMHO

Agreed, based on my limited reading of it over the last 10 years...

Now, US Kit car mag IS dire (IMO) 95% Cobras....(nowt wrong with Cobras per se, I'd just prefer more variety, but maybe that's a reflection on the kit scene here)

Also agree PPC is good to.

mitch2b - 20/10/05 at 12:50 PM

PPC for me too

subscribe from here
they were having trouble with getting it to the shops, someone was stealing the copies before it got there,


donut - 20/10/05 at 01:02 PM

I like Total kit car mag but PPC goes that bit further and covers more stuff about fabricating and modifying.....great mag!

lewis635 - 20/10/05 at 01:04 PM

IMHO the 2 kit car mags are a total waste of money, as said above. save your money and buy the beano. PPC really is great it is very informative practical classics is another good one

jimgiblett - 20/10/05 at 01:11 PM

PPC is my preference too. A refreshigly good read again and again.

The Kit car mags just seem to be biased to who pays the advertising space and seem to have run out of anything interesting to say so just regurgitate the same old stuff again and again.

ditchlewis - 20/10/05 at 01:15 PM

Now I am nearing the end of my build I have gone off both the main kitcar mags (which I used for the adds for parts) and I now read Practical performance Car.

Full of top tech ideas

PPC gets my vote


David Jenkins - 20/10/05 at 01:18 PM

I've never managed to find PPC in the London WH Smiffs Reading Rooms - even when I elbow my way through the pervs and browsers.

I wouldn't shell out for a subscription, either - I'm not that keen.


mookaloid - 20/10/05 at 01:59 PM

About the only thing the kit car mags are good for is er ...errrr actually can't think of anything.

If you want to choose your kit then go to the shows.

If you want to know how to build one then read the manual or ask on here.

If you finish the kit and want it to go faster then get PPC

Straight forward really...

Russ-Turner - 20/10/05 at 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Ben Graber
Which magazine?

I have been known to buy Total Kit Car on occasion but usually hide it inbetween a copy of Razzle to avoid any embarrassment.

[Edited on 20/10/05 by Russ-Turner]

pajsh - 20/10/05 at 03:33 PM

Isn't it sad that the vast majority of builders on here think all kit car mags are a waste of time & money.

If we don't buy them then who does?

I bought a couple for the parts and insurance ads but non since.

David Jenkins - 20/10/05 at 03:43 PM

These mags have occasionally been useful, but I think it depends on who they have on the staff at the time.

When there's a good guy on the payroll the mag tends to have good articles - then they eventually get fed up and go off on their own (or get tempted away by another mag) and then the mag goes downhill.

I can't remember which mag it is, but one of them seems to have a Cobra fetish - after buying it a few times and seeing that half the mag was about fake snakes I just gave up and stopped buying it.


Jasper - 20/10/05 at 03:47 PM

PPC as well, on sub, love it.....

Trev D - 20/10/05 at 03:56 PM

The September issue of Which Kit? is my favourite! Not sure why maybe its because my car is featured in it.

iank - 20/10/05 at 04:01 PM

Another vote for PPC.

The kit car mags are at their best if they have a review of some kit you are actually interested in - but even then mostly for the pictures, the opinons are all too biased to be useful.

donut - 20/10/05 at 04:23 PM


I bought that mag just because your car was on it. The pages are stuck together now so i'll have to get another copy

Trev D - 20/10/05 at 04:27 PM

glad you liked it

ASH3 - 20/10/05 at 04:43 PM

Which Kit is my fav but will buy
the one with the least about BLEEDIN
Cobras. You only have to look at the
shows to see wich kits Joe public go
to see n it aint them they may be Big n
Shiny but sure have the Yawn factor
Come to think of it so do Westfields n Caterhams

TimC - 20/10/05 at 05:47 PM

Buy PPC and Track & Performance Car.

Also have subscription to EVO which is just a good read!


zilspeed - 20/10/05 at 06:41 PM

Either PPC and Track & Performance Car - very occasionaly. Most of the stuff is out of date by the time you've read it though.

I much prefer in here to be honest ;-)

Ben Graber - 20/10/05 at 06:50 PM

Thanks for the advice, I'll buy the next copy of PPC and go from there i think. I thought there would be more than just two 'Kit Car' mags though. As several people have said, the best place to look is right here

iank - 20/10/05 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Ben Graber
Thanks for the advice, I'll buy the next copy of PPC and go from there i think. I thought there would be more than just two 'Kit Car' mags though. As several people have said, the best place to look is right here

There are actually 3
Kit Car
Which Kit
TotalKitCar - quarterly

TotalKitCar run by far the best web site
Here ->

Simon - 20/10/05 at 07:58 PM

One of the kitcar mags has an editor so full of shite it's ridiculous - going on about cars that HE makes and aren't actually in production.

He's doing a cobra rep, which was reviewed by a BMW enthusiasts mag and the review wasn't particularly good.

The other ran a popular cobra co and had to sell it cos of the lies by 1st bloke.

I buy KIT CAR. Nearly bought Total Kit Car but at nearly a fiver, c(w)ouldn't empty my pocket



Hellfire - 20/10/05 at 08:04 PM

Another vote for PPC but we don't subscribe.

zilspeed - 21/10/05 at 04:20 PM

Bought 'Kit Car' today, for the first time in a longgggggg time.

Won't be doing that again. Huge amount of adverts, little tests or editorial.

Retro, PPC, or the one that replace CCC from now on ( on the odd occasion when I buy one).

Messenjah - 21/10/05 at 05:57 PM

Kit car is weird theres so little thats actually articles not adverts ... and the boast about that ... hmmm

rusty nuts - 22/10/05 at 12:02 PM

PPC for me, tried Escort & Fiesta but no cars in them!

DarrenW - 25/10/05 at 04:08 PM

i subscribe to PPC and occasionally buy KitCar altho get a bit miffed by the space dedicated to righting the wrongs of other publications at times.

Of course we shouldnt forget that Which KitCar is really the one to buy for impartial advice and help.

ASH3 - 25/10/05 at 08:30 PM

KIT CAR say there mag has the most pages see why:-
Luego page 15/39/55/118/132
Great western 18/85
Machine Mart 119/adds section29 both 3pages
Kitsure & Roadsure 66/134/full pages
KitCar Market Share 97/adds section 11/19

Thats only at a glance! Oct 06 issue. They do this every month i have been stupid enougth to have bought it.. NO MORE

ChrisGamlin - 26/10/05 at 08:58 PM

Stuff like this is precisely why neither of the two main kit mags would ever get my cash again. Allegedly, one editor heavily biases his reviews to promote kit manufacturers he has significant commercial interests in, and the other (although with good intentions) seems utterly obsessed with hatred of the other magazine/editor and goes to extraordinary lengths to put them down at every opportunity, to the detriment of the magazine content.


Russ-Turner - 28/10/05 at 03:46 PM

Originally posted by ChrisGamlin
Stuff like this

Bloody hell!

skydivepaul - 28/10/05 at 07:54 PM

Track and race cars for engine advice and track day listings, although you can get most of this info off the internet. (this mag gives you a good start on where to look on the internet) Buy one of the kit car mags and take a note of the advertisers as that is about all they are good for. Over the last fifiteen years they still run the same features and listings, buy one or memorise one from WH smiths. job done