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Is that Jon Ison's car?
RoadkillUK - 17/12/05 at 11:39 AM

Google Earth again, type in "langold, uk" and just move left, behind the pub.

MK Sportscars btw.

zilspeed - 17/12/05 at 12:17 PM

Quite scary, isn't it ?

I have a 'family member' I haven't spoken to in a while, but through the wonders of google earth, I see he has a new car...

MikeR - 17/12/05 at 12:40 PM

i phoned my mum up and told her that she should be careful when drying the sheets - you don't know who's looking.

(ok, ok, so the picture was about 2 years old but it still was fun)

subk2002 - 17/12/05 at 07:14 PM

How do you work it ???

Jon Ison - 17/12/05 at 07:23 PM

yea, can you post the pic ?

Peteff - 17/12/05 at 08:07 PM

the little blue blob looks like the first body. Rescued attachment MKLangold.jpg
Rescued attachment MKLangold.jpg

gazza285 - 17/12/05 at 08:39 PM

It's not in enough pieces to be Jons.

Lawnmower - 17/12/05 at 09:21 PM

Isn't stalking illegal?

stevebubs - 17/12/05 at 09:25 PM

They got my Fury out on display, too - and the donor Escort I was given for parts.
