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How long will it take?
Chris Bellamy - 18/12/05 at 07:09 PM

Im wondering how long the entire project will take me, Im building from scratch. What has it taken other people to do?

JonBowden - 18/12/05 at 07:14 PM

the book says 500 hrs

SixedUp - 18/12/05 at 07:22 PM

Longer than you expect. And a *lot* longer than you told your missus.

Is now a good time to discuss cost?


Chris Bellamy - 18/12/05 at 07:29 PM

Why, have you experienced problems with cost?

mark chandler - 18/12/05 at 07:52 PM

I started a few months ago, and can only agree with longer than you think !

Getting a three dimensional chassis only took 3 days, adding the suspension brackets took as long again. I suppose it depends how particular you are... I have now spent three days making the rear hubs for the sierra IRS and one day making one set of bones for them.... its just eats up time.

£ for £ a kit would probally be cheaper if you start counting time but I prefer to build my own.

If cost is an issue you keep seeing unfinished projects on Ebay for anything from a £100 upwards.

Regards Mark

steve m - 18/12/05 at 08:03 PM

mine is a book built chassis, with a 1700xflow,
I did everything myself, which included a full interior, and it took exactley two years
and this was in my spare time, as i worked full time as well

never never again, (echoed from my wife !!)

unless you have access to proper equipment, lathes, cutting equipment, a big big workshop, and no normal paid work, and imediate access to every part you need, i doubt if you could do it in one year

oh, and the best bit, is it cost £3k not £250

Ron is laughing all the way to the bank on that one !!!

chrisg - 18/12/05 at 08:06 PM

Rob Lane built his in three months, and he has a full time job.

Mine took a "smidge" longer!



steve m - 18/12/05 at 08:10 PM

Yes Rob did, and a very nice car too

but he was in the car trade already

me = office worker, and unqualiefied

eagle - 18/12/05 at 08:14 PM

Mines taken five years !
But thats when I have time with work,wife, 2 kids to run about and when the money will allow.
I reckon about 3 grand by the time I've finished.
Keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end
nearly there

emsfactory - 18/12/05 at 08:19 PM

18 months from first bar to sva.
Now i'll make it look the way I want.
Couple of months should do it,
spare time and about three grand.
250 quid my arse.

big_wasa - 18/12/05 at 08:39 PM

Its the little bits that take the time. And re-doing them that takes even longer

Ive been collecting parts again for 12 months. Started on the chassis obout 6 months ago .I hope to have the engine in chassis and running by easter.

Count on at least £2.5k +++++++++++

Again I only work on it when I feel like it.

[Edited on 19/12/05 by big_wasa]

Chippy - 18/12/05 at 11:04 PM

It's funny, but it would seem that most people take around two years, (give or take), and between two to three grand seems to be the end cost. And before everyone starts shouting, I know some quicker, slower, dearer, cheaper. I'm just talking about the average builder. I am retired and just coming up to two years, and three grand. I dont thing that being retired makes it any quicker, we still have loads of other things that have to be done, (she gets real a***y if the decorating/whatever isn't done).

Jasper - 23/12/05 at 03:51 PM

Originally posted by steve m

unless you have access to proper equipment, lathes, cutting equipment, a big big workshop, and no normal paid work, and imediate access to every part you need, i doubt if you could do it in one year

bloody slacker - I did mine in a year, scratch built to track day - so it can be done, just depends how obsessive you are. I reconned I did around 14 hrs per week and all in a small single council garage with no previous experience and basic tools.....

scutter - 24/12/05 at 01:46 PM

I'm the same as eagle five years, cost about 3500.

Eagle have you built a dragster(looks cool by the way) nice colour.

ATB Dan.

Peteff - 24/12/05 at 01:52 PM

from buying the book to SVA. Spent about £1500 on it but I had the tools already and definitely went the "no frills" way.

Mix - 24/12/05 at 01:56 PM

The longer it takes the more time you have to enjoy the build

And then you can enjoy driving it

Unless you're of a mind to try and sell it as soon as you've built it.


ayoungman - 4/1/06 at 09:39 AM

Two and a half years and still not finished.
2 grand spent and probably 2/3 there.

Simon - 10/1/06 at 09:05 PM

1276 days from first cut to registered, and about 3 grand in total (inc rfl/insurance/sva test etc).

So if you start now, you'll be finished in about July 2009



[Edited on 10/1/06 by Simon]