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New Starter - SVA Query
nallup - 29/3/06 at 02:23 PM

Hi - optimistic new member here. My good lady bought an old Dutton a few years ago and it has been stored since (long story.) Have finally started to rebuild it and want to upgrade to a bike engine, independent rear suspension and disk brakes. This will require some major rebuilding work on the chassis, although I hope to keep the body as near original as possible. While I will take every care to abide by the rules will I have to get the car through an SVA test or not? Or will I just have to declare a change of engine? (It has been off the road so long that we do not get SORN letters)

David Jenkins - 29/3/06 at 02:38 PM

Has it ever been on the road as a fully-legal vehicle? Registered as a Dutton, not as whatever its donor was? If the answer is 'yes' on both counts, then you'll only have to get it MOT'd and maybe you'll have to fill in some form or other to get back on the road. Probably best to do that before upgrading it!

If it was incorrectly registered then you'll probably have to SVA it.


Tangerine Scream - 29/3/06 at 02:41 PM

If the car is registered and you have a V5, then it should be a case of just informing DVLA of the engine change. I've just had to do a similar thing after rebuilding with a new chassis with IRS - change the details on the V5 and that was it.
The lack of SORN letters isn't too worrying as I managed to slip through the net last year and had to remind them.
PS Welcome to the remarkable information resource of this forum!

nallup - 29/3/06 at 02:43 PM

WOW fast replies! Thanks. It was on the road as fully legal when she bought it but it woul not have passed it's next MOT - bushes & trackrod ends - nothing major. When I say no SORN Notice - it's been off the road since before they sarted with them!

DarrenW - 29/3/06 at 03:11 PM

ref SORN, even though it was taken off the road before SORN was invented you still have to declare it. Id recommend doing this online and see if you get it confirmed by DVLA with no come backs. In theory they could raise a concern due to lack of tax but i managed to get my donor through with no come backs. You will need to quote log book details when declaring SORN. Has the car been re-registered in your name.

If the car has been fully registered correctly then you should be able to upgrade and get it MOT'd. Probs best to do what is necessary for MOT before changing to bike engine. get it MOT'd then upgrade and inform DVLA of engine change.

Sounds on the face of it that you wont need to re-SVA.

britishtrident - 29/3/06 at 08:44 PM

The short of it is if it says Dutton on the registration document you should be OK.

poprodder - 31/3/06 at 06:16 PM

you cannot declare a car sorn, if it was not taxed when sorn was introduced(98 ish?) my ford pop has been of the road since early 90's, i sent an email to dvla, askin if i had to sorn it. they said no, and if i wanted to i could'nt.