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Stolen / recovered donor...
john_s - 21/4/02 at 01:23 PM

Hi everyone.

I'm just setting off with my build. I've found a company from autotrader which has several stolen / recovered sierras listed.

Am i likely to have any kind of problem when it comes to registering if i use a stolen / recovered donor?



Jon Ison - 21/4/02 at 04:25 PM

Not sure where you stand on that one, some one will, but with straight cars costing from nothing upwards why take the risk ?

i do no one lad who had loads a trouble with registering his car when he used a "stolen recoverd" bike engine, even though it was all above board, reciepts ect....

be carfull.

Dazza - 22/4/02 at 02:43 AM

the registering i am not sure about, but alot of insurance company's will be funny about stolen/rec, as thay do not like paying out twice on a car, so insuring it may prove to be a problem, depending on how it was lost. ie; total loss, written off etc.(will matter if its lost or damaged) i would stick with a strait engine/log book, save any hassel!!!! The sva and insurance(claiming!!) is hard work enough!!