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diyer - 1/5/06 at 05:52 PM

Hi All,
What does anyone who is interested think so far? nearly there!!

Simon Rescued attachment P7050075.jpg
Rescued attachment P7050075.jpg

zilspeed - 1/5/06 at 05:54 PM

Very neat looking indeed.

Hard work to get it to this stage ?

diyer - 1/5/06 at 05:56 PM

Cheers Zil,

I don't think it looks too daft.


DIY Si - 1/5/06 at 05:59 PM

Blimey, the local rivet man must love you!
Looks good though

ned - 1/5/06 at 06:11 PM

Looking good mate.

I have niggels, but they're mostly personal preference stuff

not keen on the roll bar or wheels and something looks slightly out at the front, can't put my finger on it, maybe too long in the bonnet/nose or lights are too far back not sure. apart from that looks quite well proportioned for a robin hood, a lot of them look ill proportioned imho.

only other thing i'd suggest is that you drop the ride height a little perhaps - especially at the back as there is a fair gap above the wheel, but this might be partly taken up by a tank of fuel and a seated driver.


ch1ll1 - 1/5/06 at 06:47 PM

looks like a nice car !

you going 4x4 in it (rear high)

keep going (now is the time that you dont want to cut any corners !!

Mezzz - 1/5/06 at 07:15 PM

Wow thats a beauty

But waht engine is going in it?

robertst - 2/5/06 at 11:04 AM

really nice car! tell me you are going to drive it for the first time dressed as batman! impress the SVA man!

where's the nosecone from if i may ask?