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Not only doe's she live
Jon Ison - 27/4/02 at 06:12 PM

She is now taxed, MOT'd, and insured, just got back from a 3 hour blast, dam rain..............the smile on my face will stay there for a week, found it hard to put her in garage so i could shower and get ready to go out for a beer or two, think i would sooner have let her drink petrol.......roll on summer.

Any one out there half way through a build and needing motivation ? go for it my freind, all the knuckle hurting, head scratching, what do i do now moments will disapear the minute you drive her, get spannering, trust me i know what its like to be working in garage on a sunny day wishing she was day she will be.

Bob da builder - 27/4/02 at 08:23 PM

Well im very jellous, im at the head straching stage (My brain Hurts!!) and all i want to do is to DRIVE and drive hard!!!!

Marcus - 29/4/02 at 06:58 PM

Nice one John. I too know that feeling.
As an aside when head scratching, I find sitting in the unfinished chassis, behind the wheel, with a nice cup of tea solves so many problems. The drivers seat is now known as the thinking seat. Of course that all changes when the beast is roadworthy, when it becomes the no brain seat!

David Jenkins - 30/4/02 at 07:59 AM


Of course that all changes when the beast is roadworthy, when it becomes the no brain seat!

Hence that famous saying: "The most dangerous part of a car is the nut holding the wheel!"
