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Fuel Hose Clips- where from?
James - 7/6/06 at 02:42 PM

Since reading that jubilee clips are not SVA proof when used on fuel, where can I get 10-15 of these for a good price?

SVA proof fuel hose clips
SVA proof fuel hose clips

The ever optimistic Car Builder Solutions want £2.50 for 4!!!!

They need to be 15mm or bigger.


[Edited on 7/6/06 by James]

flak monkey - 7/6/06 at 02:43 PM

Pray tell whats wrong with lovelyjubbly clips on fuel lines?

Tried someone like RS? Mind you they will probably want to sell you about 100 or 1000.


[Edited on 7/6/06 by flak monkey]

James - 7/6/06 at 02:45 PM

Jubilee clips aren't considered to seal properly as they don't pull all the way round- they leave a kink under the bolt area.

Various people have had these as fail points at SVA IIRC.


[Edited on 7/6/06 by James]

David Jenkins - 7/6/06 at 02:58 PM

I got some from a local motor factors...


mookaloid - 7/6/06 at 02:58 PM

Nice shiny clips like that look well worth 62p each to me - especially if they do the job properly

Short arms and deep pockets - that's your trouble

esn163 - 7/6/06 at 03:03 PM

got ours from vehicle wiring products £3.75 for 10 not too sure how much postage from there is since we picked ours up




Edit, just noticed postage is an extra £3.75 so wouldn't work out very cheap

[Edited on 7/6/06 by esn163]

scottc - 7/6/06 at 03:12 PM

What about these
Someone posted the link on monday with reagrd to exhaust clamps but they come in different sizes.

bit pricey though.

EDIT: having reread your initial post they're way too pricey

[Edited on 7/6/06 by scottc]

Kissy - 7/6/06 at 03:41 PM

only start at 17mm:

Danozeman - 7/6/06 at 03:44 PM

I got mine from a local parts place. Unipart/Partco cant remember how much but they werent expensive.

auzziejim - 7/6/06 at 05:27 PM

i only use these 2 ear pinch clamps, i bought loads from think automotive not very expensive cant remember the exact price

Jasper - 8/6/06 at 10:18 AM

Thanks James - didn't realise I couldn't use Jubilees (I should read the manual one day), better get me one too.