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plays kool
Toady1 - 30/6/06 at 03:24 PM

im trying to get hold of playskool to buy a carbon aeroscreen off them for my indy, their number isnt working on their site, anyone know why? or have a number i can get hold of them?

Peter M - 30/6/06 at 03:45 PM

Can only be contacted by email.

playskool thread

Toady1 - 30/6/06 at 07:38 PM

ah cheers! i remember reading that actually! oops!

carlgeldard - 30/6/06 at 08:34 PM

I think they only work weekends now

Jubal - 30/6/06 at 10:01 PM

I got hold of them a few weeks ago to ask about suspension set up and the bloke told me they'd pretty much packed it in.

Volvorsport - 30/6/06 at 10:10 PM

peter M : is that your darrian ?

Peter M - 1/7/06 at 08:15 AM

Yes ,you have U2U.