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Width of car?
owelly - 2/7/06 at 08:18 PM

Don't know if this belongs in here but......
I'm just sat at work sketching my cutting plans for my new trailer and I need to know how wide my car is. I realise that you chaps have no idea how wide my car is but you probably know how wide you own is! My back axle is an Escort and it has some 6" wheels stuck on each end.
I need to know the distance between the outer tyre edges. I'd like to know tonight so I can cut the steel here at work.
Cheers folks, Owelly.

lsdweb - 2/7/06 at 09:31 PM

Hi Mate

My trailer bed was 11' by 5'6" - the car was a book chassis with escort axle and 6" RS alloys - fitted with a couple of inches to spare.

Have a look here



owelly - 2/7/06 at 09:41 PM

Cheers matey. I'd guessed at 65" wide so not too far out!

lsdweb - 3/7/06 at 05:25 PM

What's an inch amongst friends