Caterham Roadsport SV 1.6
This fhoto whas taken in my city in croatia and the owner said that he payd it 42.000 eur is thet a bit to much??? Prebuild
Rescued attachment 1852019_caterham-autoV.jpg
The Caterham website suggests that the UK price is about £19000 for the basic model, or roughly 30500 Euros, so he's either paid too much or
there's a very high shipping charge!
He may well have some options that have brought the price up to 42000 Euros.
Welcome in the world of the seven-wonders
Maybe there are taxes like we have in NL.
About 40% tax if buy a new car.
So now you now we are building our own.
Donkervoort start around 60.000 Euro