Can anyone reccomend any products for repairing holes in exhausts, its on my tin top but i want to make a repair to the down pipe that has a small
hole (5mm round).
I have used some CarPlan exhaust repair bandage and it has just blown straight through.
Any recomendations welcome
big head rivet, then sell the car!
If you have a small hole that has presumably rusted through then you can bet your life the rest of the pipe will be getting thin. Any repair will be
short lived. Id try and get hold of a new downpipe if i was you (of course i make the recommendation without knowing type of vehicle - might be
If you have to repair then what about a coke can or similar, ends removed, split it length ways, clean up pipe as best as possible, gunk it up the
jubilee clip in place. Follow instruction for paste ref curing.
Heinz baked bean tin cira 1972 brazed on.
It'll last for years
Coke can and gun gum as said. If its gone in one place it will probably break off soon anyway.
Front pipes arnt alot of money depending on whqat car uv got.
When did you last buy one and what for? Even cheap exhausts aren't that cheap any more. What kind of car is it for Rich? Somebody might have one kicking about if it's a Ford.
I usually find the front pipe to be expensive. £240 for my Patrol and 50 quid for my Trafic front pipes respectively. That money could have built me a
[Edited on 13/9/06 by lexi]