so good it'll probably get me the sack..
Only managed 101 so far, lot of pannel beating to be done.
118.7 quality way to waste my lunch break
what game
Originally posted by cct7kitcars
what game
126.9 and Got to get back to work !!!!!
86.8 any good?
118.4, killed the dog once though!
Originally posted by chris mason
isn't the idea too get the lowest score(ie lowest time).....
my fastest attempt was my lowest score 71.3
Everyone's wondering why I'm swearing at the computer !
Originally posted by chris mason
isn't the idea too get the lowest score(ie lowest time).....
my fastest attempt was my lowest score 71.3
my record last time i played was around 22 seconds
When I hit another car I don't get another go
Horrible game, notice that the angle of the wheels relates in no way to the turning circle. With a slip angle that high they must be made from
Still, did the first one in 7.something seconds which I thought was good. Probably rubbish though
72.1 on the first attempt...
It was fairly easy to get 22.4, how on earth can you get over 100!!! Back to driving school I think!
EDIT: and there's a 21.1
[Edited on 6/12/06 by cloudy]
My little 10 year old son has just done a 49.6.
cloudy , there is four levels not just the first one
its possible to do all 4 in 20 seconds, though he may well be on about level one.