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whats different between a lotus 6 and a lotus 7?
goodall - 23/12/06 at 08:49 PM

whats different between a lotus 6 and a lotus 7?

hillbillyracer - 23/12/06 at 08:53 PM


cossiebri - 23/12/06 at 09:02 PM

goodall - 23/12/06 at 09:06 PM

ok i didn't mean the maths problem.
that would have been stated "whats the difference between 6 loci and 7 loci" if my latin is right and also don't confuse this with the maths systerm called loci
also the right answer would be -1

none the less it did make me laugh

[Edited on 23/12/06 by goodall]

hillbillyracer - 23/12/06 at 09:13 PM

Sorry, it had to be done! I've no idea really.

caber - 23/12/06 at 09:15 PM

IRR Lotus 6 has a beam front axle and is based on a Ford chassis It has a rounder nose check herelinky


goodall - 23/12/06 at 09:22 PM

the frame looks alot lighter in those pics

iank - 23/12/06 at 09:32 PM

6 had all aluminium bodywork IIRC.
Another cheap answer would be about £10k

gator - 24/12/06 at 03:36 AM

IRR the front axle was a swing axle, based on the Ford (Popular?) beam axle.

britishtrident - 24/12/06 at 09:22 AM

Originally posted by gator
IRR the front axle was a swing axle, based on the Ford (Popular?) beam axle.

100% correct

Macbeast - 24/12/06 at 09:24 AM

Caber, I'm pretty sure the Six had a space-frame chassis to Chapman design, made by Progress Engineering. The big difference six v seven is the front axle which on the Six is transverse cart spring, cut and pivoted in the middle.

[Edited on 24/12/06 by Macbeast]

goodall - 24/12/06 at 12:06 PM

so really the difference is very small, its just a front surspension change

so i guess that makes any car with irs the same as what a lotus 8 would have been

iank - 24/12/06 at 07:29 PM

Lotus 8 is a streamlined car with a body by Frank Costin.

goodall - 24/12/06 at 10:15 PM

ok then so its a 6C cause the 7 should have been the 6B

cs3tcr - 25/12/06 at 08:41 PM

The 6 had a split front axle with coil springs, the chassis was narrower than the Sevens, was a space frame, typically powered by a Ford side valve engine, or an MG XPAG, body was all alloy, was Lotus first real production car.

t.j. - 26/12/06 at 05:55 PM

let's post a picture:

So maybe get this idea to build a six instead of a 7...........

[Edited on 26/12/06 by t.j.]