i can host as many peoples sites as i wish so i thought i might as well offer you lot the chance of free locost webhosting WITHOUT popups, ads etc, a
completley empty page to work with, i have got an online HTML editor to manage your site with and full FTP access .... unlimited storage but no dirty
pics please, my hosting package will be revoked otherwise.
anybody interested? just put a post on here and i go from there....
[Edited on 30/12/06 by novacaine]
Hi Matt
Im definately interested, I'm discussing building a site at the minute, something pro looking, flash etc. Are we able to use our own domain name?
I don't completely get how it works, but I have a domain name I want to use, I guess I just redirect it to you?
Just thought I'd say I'd definately be interested.
yea im sure you could use your domain name, or you could just use a subdomain of mine, for instance
the choice is yours
cool thats alright then, I plan on buying MattCraneCustoms.com, but the webhosting bit was what I was unsure on. How will it work then, I email you my
pages to put on, Or i access a server through FTP? Havent got a site at the minute mind, still in the planning stages . .
if you want to use your own domain just login to your DNS server and target it towards
one you have sorted that out i will forward you some login details for your HTML editor
if you dont have a DNS server or you need help configuring it i am more than happy to help you set it up
excellent cheers. I'll try and get working on the site again. When I've got something to put on the net (could be a while yet!!) I'll
u2u you to discuss whats next.